Sunday, April 11, 2010

Are you right or left?

As we saw in the last class we had this little test called the “world’s smallest political quiz” that classified us into 5 different types of ideologies depending on our political believes; and those were: centrist, libertarian, left (liberal) statist (Big government) and Right (Conservative). I did it with the most honesty and critical thinking I could and I was placed in the centrist area (60,50). It combines our stands on economic issues with our stands with our personal issues.

At the moment we were doing it and when checking the results, I heard some people saying that they were lefts and I said that the quiz was not necessarily exact, in terms that it is not exactly what we believe in; and then he said that the quiz was accurate and that if he/she got there was because he was part of the that political view. I started thinking about the quiz and I got to a conclusion that one quiz will not determine our political situation maybe it could tell us that we are mostly one type of political view and actually the quiz explains that it measures tendencies and not absolutes.

I knew this because we can agree with some political ideas of one “party” but disagree with other ideas of the same party and like few ideas of another party, and vice versa. Therefore, how is it possible that a simple ten-question quiz can tell us that we are part of one ideology? I know it can give us a quite vision about the ideas we agree with, but it can’t tell you that you are just one party men.

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