Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Smokescreens from the government

As history tells, the government is Mexico has always tried to hide what goes on with the reforms in the country. For example, many people believe that the AH1N1 breakout was used by the government as a smokescreen to hide the current problems they were facing like the legalization of marijuana.

I don't think that the government using smokescreens is an ethical thing because they, in a way, "fool" us by not letting us see what is really happening.

I want to say that the Mexican government needs to tell people what happens in the country, and not use another things to hide it. This is why we still live in a country like this, because we don't feel secure that the government has the confidence to tell us what is going on. And because of this, we neither have the confidence to trust in the government's movements.

Mexico has to progress like those other countries that do not create a lot of smokescreens to hide their problems. Mexico has to realize that people want the country to be honest even if it is going through hard times. People in Mexico will then realize that the country is actually doing its job and will start feeling that Mexico is progressing.

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