Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Ecuador Proyect

Well my team and i decided to do the proyect of the class of introduction to economics, society and politics in the week end in Lulu’s house. We started to do it in Friday but couldn’t finished so we went again to Lulu’s house the day of Saturday. It was really hot. We couldn’t concentrate. We started at like 5 o’clock pm in the afternoon and at like 10 at noon we haven’t progress absolutely nothing. Well, not nothing but very little. There was very little information about Ecuador, I was really frustrated that we couldn’t get the proyect done and finish. So, we decide again to do it together at Sunday. When Sunday arrived it was still really hot, we were tired and frustrated and of course very stress. But even thought all of this happen we finished the proyect. But now I was really stressed because I haven’t even started to do the blogs for the same class! So I decided to talk to the teacher so he could let me do them for wednesday and he agree and I was happy. I am still really happy so that’s it.

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