Monday, April 12, 2010


All what the entire metropolis had… Babylonia

They are in Iraq, 80 km south from Baghdad. The capital of the great Mesopotamia, which hanging gardens were one of the seven wonders. It flourished during the kingdom of Nabucodonosor II (605-562 B.C) and was conquered by Alexander Magno in 331 B.C. Its habitants emigrated or were exiled by the year 275 B.C. By the year 140 B.C it was completely abandoned. With the time the town of Al Hillah grew with the ruins of the old city and in the XX century part of its walls and edifications were reconstructed by the government of Saddam Hussein. During the invasions to Iraq in 2003, one expedition of the United States’ army made severe damages to the archeological infrastructure.

The owner of one of the seven wonders is damaged thanks to the US army, and to time. This city was very important many years ago. It was a strategic point for trade marking and it was a business center. It was a big city with all what a man needed in that time. It was a very important city. Alexander Magno conquered this powerful city. Little by little the city was abandon, and was left as a ghost city. What are left are the some ruins, and the spirit of what was a powerful city, a trade market center and wind that takes what this entire metropolis had.

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