Sunday, April 11, 2010

Re-elections for presidency

I've always wondered how life in Mexico would be if we allowed a re-election for the president office. I think some good aspects could come along, but also some negative aspects would start appearing among people.

These all are personal opinions, but I believe someone should not be in the presidency more than 8-10 years because politic life would not be diverse and if one single person stays in presidency for longer than this, he/she will not let the political ambit evolve and will, eventually, lead to a catastrophe because those ideas would eventually change. Just like in a dictatorship, when the dictator dies, his ideas die with him and practically all his policies tend to change to diversify the political life.

So, coming back to Mexico, should the re-elections for presidency be allowed? In a more general perspective, I would say it's not really a matter of how many times you are in the presidency, but how much time you spend being in it. I think 6 years of presidency are fair enough to establish how you want the country to move and react, so then, why is some people saying they'd prefer a re-election?

At the end of the day, people will only think about what you did through your time being a president; so if you are president for a longer time, then you will have the opportunity to do more things. But here, we face another variant that make us think if we should allow re-elections: What is more important, quality or quantity? Would you rather stay in the presidency for 2 years and do massive positive changes or would you prefer be president for 10 years and make some minor positive changes through all that time?

I personally believe that quality is what we must care about. Just think about it; if in 2 years we do massive positive changes, who wouldn't want us back for another 2 years? That's where the re-elections come: in the moment where someone needs more time to keep the policies that have made people happy. In the case of the presidency of the cities (that lasts 3 years) I completely agree that re-election should be allowed because this small amount of time is not enough to show how much you can do and what your really ideals are. This really exemplifies the quality factor, because we take into consideration what we can do for our people in a reduced amount of time.

To finish I'd like to say that the re-elections are just a way of knowing how well a government has done through its governing time. Mexico still has a lot of problems to face before people can start thinking what is important: a new president or the same? However, some of the problems are due to the fact that Mexicans partially or totally ignore what the intention of their governors are. The thing we all still have to know is that presidents are humans; they are not perfect and they can't always do everything, so why not giving them a little bit more chance to try to do what they want and after that, I believe the choice of allowing re-elections or not should be important for us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

An excellent topic - linking nicely to what was discussed recently on campus by various classmates. Well done!