Monday, April 12, 2010


Last week in my French class the teacher was teaching us about TV programs of France. Since my teacher is from Cuba immeditely we started talking about TV programs of Cuba. Cuba is a country that is caracterized by having a government that few countries in the world have, known as Socialism. Socialism is a type of government known as GOVERNMENT CONTROL EVERYTHING .. but when I used to think about it I did not taught it was so radical. First of all government control works, food and EVEN TV! TV is controled in a way that people only have 4 TV chanels, but the thing here is that they do not have TV'ads!!!.. I think these is one of the most radical types of governments and i'm really against it, people have to always be allowed to earn money to buy wht they want, work in what they want, get the life they want! BUT how can this be so radical? and also how can people still follow that type of government. I do not say that Mexico's type of government is the best one or that people live better in here than in Cuba, but where are people rights? WE ARE FREE! we do not need some one to speal neither to gave us what they think we need. SPEAK OUT YOUR RIGHTS

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