Sunday, April 11, 2010

Our Choice by Al Gore

We have been reading a book for our Ethics class named Our Choice: A Plan to solve the climate crisis, written by a man named Al Gore. First, I did not even know who this man was, but later searching in internet I found out that was a man who run for president against George Bush Sr. And later become a well-known politician for being in Bill Clinton’s office.
What Gore try to say to us in this book is principle how to use other resources to stop sending contaminating molecules to the atmosphere that destroy our planet, principally carbon dioxide. The most important thing to me in the book is how Gore tell us about alternative ways to produce enery, without contaminating Earth. Those ways include. Solar energy, how do we use sun and solar panels in order to store and produce energy, as well with wind and the turbines made to produce electricity.
And of course there is the geothermal energy, and the always controversial nuclear power, that became more disliked by people after the incident of Chernobyl. Every page of the book contain at least a graph or image to illustrate us of how it works a turbine or a solar cell, in order to make it easier for the reader.
I think we need more people to make this kind of books, even though there is people who says global warming does not exist, it is important to take no in this kind of actions in order to have a cleaner planet, so we can enjoy it as best we can.

1 comment:

Kevin M. Jimenez Prieto said...

I also researched about this politician named Al Gore and I found his story very interesting and at the same time a little bit strange and not very transparent, well maybe I think this because I don’t understand the USA political system, but he had the popular vote and just because he lose in the state of Florida he lose the elections. I consider this person a very good example for society because he has been working on the preservation of Earth, trying to create an ecologic conscience and attitude in the people. At the beginning when the teacher told us to read this book I was kind of mad, because I didn’t find the relation between ethics and the environment, but now I think I’m beginning to understand.
I really like this book because he wrote about several topics such as energy sources and how they help or damage the environment. He also made a documentary in which the main topic is the global warming and its effects on our planet, I’m talking about the documentary called an “Inconvenient Truth”. I’m beginning to feel more interested in these topics and the behaviors I could adopt to put my little grain of sand to help the Earth. I think that the loss of Al Gore at the elections is a very big shame because a president like Al Gore, a environmentalist person, a person who really worries about the environment, could have helped a country in a very significant way. I would really recommend this documentary and book, and try to generate an environmentalist conscience.