Monday, April 12, 2010

Evidence of Global Warming: The Poles Are Melting

Recent newa informed that the situation of the north and south poles is getting worse periodically, the glaciers are melting which is caused by the Global warming. The effects of this situation, which some scientists are trying to negate or they still don’t believe in this crisis, are getting worse, for example in the north, Polar bears face an uncertain future or maybe extinction because they will probably be forced to face longer summers which can kill them because of the temperature, but at the same time the heat is causing a thinning of the sea ice on which they rely for hunting seals. The ice is getting thinner and thinner and the polar bears will be forced to swim very long distances looking for shelter, food or even a place where they can walk.

I can’t believe there are still some scientists or ignorant people who think that this situation is just temporal and that the situation will be over soon. This is what really makes me mad, our situation is not really god, it is getting worse and several climatic phenomena are affecting our world in a severe way and still some scientist say that everything will be fine, that there is nothing to worry about. Maybe they will change their mind when the poles melt down and a lot of countries will be flooded. Well the poles are melting and this is a very clear evidence of the Global Warming, a situation that will destroy our world if we don’t change our behavior and begin to help our planet. As I mentioned in my last blog, I don’t understand why the humans begin to act in a right way, only when the consequences of their acts are really severe and solutions are something very hard to find and to achieve.

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