Monday, April 12, 2010

México in Shangai

Mexico will be an active participant in the Universal Expo 2010 in Shangai that will take place from March the 1st until October. The topic of the Mexican pavilion is Living Better and will have 4,000 square meters.These pavilions are prepared to be visited by 70 million people and to show them Mexico’s current projects.

Strategic alliances will be established to implement models to promote trade, investment, and tourism.

The Mexican pavilion will house a restaurant that will serve national haute cuisine, a crafts shop, an area devoted to promotion and a Business Center that promotes trade and foreign investment in the country.

The pavilion will show the past, present and future of Mexico through three large screens that will display Mexico's history and ancient civilization; the current situation of major Mexican cities and the kite forest area on the green sl

ope that will show Mexico's main projects of sustainable development by interactive touch-screens.

The pavilion will look Amazing with the ceiling of kites. According to what I read the name for kite comes from the Nahuatl word papaloti that means butterfly which used to represent people’s aspirations to a better life, of development and flying.

The kites are from China and because of this they will be use as a symbol of friendship and the common element that will unite Mexico and China.

I think the Expo will be super interesting and I really want to go and look through the different pavilions. I knew about the expo because my dad told me about it and by chance it happened to be in the same days as the summer course that Tec offers to the high school students; therefore it is very likely that I go to China this summer.

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