Monday, April 12, 2010

The Castle Sale

the castle, and its spirit .............. for sale

In a communication, the agency of real estate Baytree Capital Associates of New York City in the United States has become the legal representative of the archduke Dominic Habsburg and his family, original owners of the castle Bran in the region of Transylvania, Romania. This castle is famous because it is consider the place where the Irish author Bram Stoker got inspired to write the very famous novel Dracula (1897). The castle was constructed in 1377 but become state propriety until 1947 and became museum until 1957. The Romanian government returned the castle to the Habsburg’s family in 2006. The idea is to put it on sale so that a European businessman can invert in this castle with a remodelation and conserve it as a historic building. Every year half a million tourists visits this place.
This famous castle is now on sale. The price can be very high but it has a not measurable price for history. It is important to conserve this historical castle that has seen hundreds of years pass by. It is important to have this castle with us. I think that the government and the owners need to make this castle a better place, to make it an historical museum so that hundreds of tourists can come to see the Dracula’s castle. It will be wonderful to pass by its hallways, visit its rooms and feel the presence of Dracula nearby.

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