Sunday, April 11, 2010

This is only the beginning..

Now a days, Mexico is passing through a hard wave of violance that is affecting every mexican in our society. The sicarios and narcos are taking control of our country and creating fear in us every day. How could a small group of persons can provoke in us such thing?

Many persons have been killed and kidnapped by these narco people, in order to get money or another especial thing. What is now clear, is that the war has begun and that we mexicans, are going to win in order to live peacefully like in past decades.

As you may know, last march 2o of 2010, two students from Tec de Monterrey in the state of Monterrey, where victims of a clash between sicarios and the military men of our contry. The result, the death of two students of Tec de Monterrey.

With this event, our Tec society spoke up and many other persons too. This situation is crossing the line, and we mexicans, have started to wake up and to realize that if this continues like this, our Mexico ( home) would be a total insecure place to live.

However, I will start with the goal of this blog.

Last 9 of april, I went to Campus Guadalajara to a competition of dance. When I stepped out of the bus, I was astonished at seeing how beautiful the campus was. But, what really attracted me, was all the publicity in the campus about violance and how we have to fight for our security and dignity in the wave of violance that we are passing through. Moreover, flyers and much more talked about this. I asked a girl why where they doing this, and the girl told me : " it is a campaign that we are making to stop violance and to show that we are not going to let that bad people destroy our dignity and our rights".

I was pretty amazed that Tec has jointed all campus in order to make conscience and strategies to protect us and to be a example to our society to fight for a common good. However, this war has just begun and in my personal opinion,we Tec, are going to be a great example to our society to show, that we can fight back without weapons and that we can be more stronger than them.

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