Sunday, April 11, 2010

Capitalism: A Love Story

"... this is Moore's magnum opus: the grandest statement of his career-long belief that big business is screwing the hard-working little guy while government connives in the atrocity." – Mary Corliss TIME

Yesterday I saw a movie called Capitalism: A Love Story, a documentary film directed, written and starring Michael Moore. It is from October of last year. The movie is a critic to the capitalism system in which we are living, showing all the disadvantage and damage it is causing to people right now. It centres on the crisis that started on 2007 and the recovery stimulus and talks about U.S. economic orderm and capitalism (capitalism history, how it started and the impact and the effects it caused in the U.S. and in other countries). It covers some topics that include wall street’s casino mentality, for-profit prisions like PA Child Care, Goldman Sach’s influence in Washington, the poverty
The movie started with a comparison of ancient Rome with the U.S. present and I was amazed by the similarities they had, nothing has changed much since then. We have the dependence of the economy on slaves (the hard working class), the disparity between rich and poor, behind the splendour of the forum the crowded areas of the slumps, few jobs, and citizens kept entertained with games and spectacles and brutal combats that were popular.
Elected representatives exercised the power but every function of government was absorbed by the emperor who was above the law. These were mayor reasons for the Roman empire decline and for our capitalism system crisis and collapse.
Moore wonders how future civilization would see us in the future and judge us… He then presented some cases were the bank took homes from people and sold them, leaving those with nothing.
Moore: This is capitalism, a system of taking and giving, mostly taking. The only thing we didn’t know was when the revolt was going to begin.
Capitalism was supposedly a system of free enterprise and market; a clever way of society voting what good it wants and what is made. Then other words come out such as competition, profit, etc. It is a system where you can decide where to work, but there are no works!
In the movie is presented really important information that makes all react, graphs of dept and unemployment among others that makes us say: HOW COME!!?
Companies go to bankrupt, so in order to stay competitive in today’s market they must eliminate jobs, as it happened to GM, eliminating more than 4,500 jobs.
Bush talked of capitalism as the greatest invention, but how possibly he could say that if there were a lot of people without jobs, homes, medical care.
I really invite you to watch this movie, I am not sure if you can already rent it because I just download it.
I hope Michael’s message is clear and more people join his fight, unless we do something, things are going to stay the same. We need to stand against insurance companies, employer exploiters, greedy merchants and predatory lenders.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the post - I really like the images!