Monday, April 12, 2010

It was not my fault

One day i was reading the newspaper and I found a note that called my attention. The note was about a teenage girl that crushed. She was driving her car and she didn’t respect a stop sign. At the same time another car was driving and they crushed. The car accident was not what called my attention, what called my attention was that when the authorities were asking what happen the teenage girl said : “IT was his fault not mine, he was driving too fast” Thanks God the authorities did their job and penalize the girl. It would have been stupid if they didn’t. I’m sure that if the girl was daughter of a politician or came from a rich family the story would have been different and she would be free of any problem, but that’s not the case.
The reason I’m writing about this that we always want to blame somebody else for our errors. Since the beginning of human life blaming somebody is a bad habit that we have. Think about Adan and Eva, when God was disappointed at them, Adan blamed Eva and Eva blamed the snake. Since then we always blame somebody. Why can’t we be responsible for the consequences of our acts? I think that blaming somebody is a sign of cowardly, immaturity and irresponsibility. We need to break the habit; we need to start being responsible for what we do. Sometime we blame others because we are scared but we need to realize that by blaming somebody else we can damage an innocent person. it’s ok to commit errors, what’s inacceptable is to don’t correct them.

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