Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Obesity in Mexico

In the last decade the radical changes in the eating habits in Mexico is causing health problems to Mexicans. Mexico is now one of the fattest nations on the planet.
Studies show that 68% of adults in Mexico are overweight and that 29% are obese; just behind United States where 74% are overweight and 39% are obese.
Only two Pacific nations, Samoa and Tonga, have heavier populations.
There is also concern in Mexico’s rising weight children. Mexico’s Government announced this month that surprisingly 35% of school pupils are over their recommended bodyweight.
In an antiobesity campaign the government is starting to support events of sporting events and healthy-eating propaganda directed to young people.
One of the events planned is a Thriller dance with 11,000 dancers where people are suppose to join in order to start dancing and burn calories. The event is scheduled for August 29 in Mexico City’s central plaza
The changing dietary habits in Mexico may have result from an extremely globalized economy. Since 1994, when North American countries signed the Free Trade treaty, the imports of processed food and drinks have increased.
Now at days Mexico consumes more Coca Cola products per capita than anywhere else in the WORLD, a total of 635 eight-ounce bottles per person each year. This amount represents a threefold increase compared to 1988.

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