Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Distribution vs Consciousness

El tandeo is a distribution of water system applied in Hermosillo. The reason why the local government decided to implement this system is because water is scarce, and because they want us to be conscious about the scarcity of it.

This distribution system has a lot of disadvantages, some of them are the limitation of water we have. With this, I mean that water is given to us in a limited period. For example, in my house I have water from 5am to 1pm, which is good because I get to shower in the morning. On the other hand, it is not cool because when I arrive home in the afternoon, there is no water to wash the dishes, to do the laundry or to go to the bathroom.

What I really want to make clear is the fact that I’m not quite sure if this system is working. Why do I think that? Well, from what I’ve seen in the homes that I’ve been lately is that people are worried about not having water, but they are not worried about taking care of the few they have.

It could be that the implementation works in terms of distribution of water, but I don’t think it’s working in the terms of conscience.

We Really Are the World!

Last week I heard at Ludovik’s office a song that immediately caught my attention. I asked him about it and he told me that the name of the song was “We Are the World”. What a beautiful song! I said.

Now that I analyze it, it is not only a beautiful song because it is sung by around 80 good artists, but because of the intention of it. Since the earthquake happened in Haiti, many people joined their will to do something good and make the difference. In the Campus, for example, some students collected money to help Haitians. These artists made something similar but in a bigger scale, and they decided to sing this song that was once sung by Michael Jackson.

There have been many critics to this song, but I don’t really care because I see only at the good intention that was behind the action. iTunes was supporting this activity and every time the song was downloaded from the site, one dollar was going to Haiti.

I really appreciate moments when people unite for good causes. I know that what happened to Haiti wasn’t good at all, but looking to the positive side, we can see that that catastrophe made a lot of people be conscious about the conditions in which Haitians lived. A lot of persons, including me, weren’t aware that natural disasters happen and that we, as human, can so many things to help our people.

The Earth is an Island


They said that when the pieces of Earth move they have three choices to make:

1.- move

2.- adapt

3.- die

Now at days even though we aren't thinking about any type of things; we are faicng with a problem that is named: "Dilemma of Survival". Why because we are seeing if we are going to survice or die. In our world we are having lots of problems with the human population that is causing great disturbances like: the destruction of a habitat or a cycle that gets affected by all this enormous machine, we aren't going to.


I will love to share with you how does the word Poverty is one of the most common during this and the past decades. My question is; Why are we living such a poverty, if we are getting more technology and machinery, why can't we make our standar of life higher that the actual .

Don't you imagine that lots of people right now they are standing out there in the wind, in the sand or in the floor of cement really cold. They are sleeping on the street using newspapers to protect form the weather; how many people is living in carton houses; how many people is having their babies without medical services, how may people is wishing to eat only a piecer of bread. Well, I can continue all day long telling what does poor people do in order to survive, but this is not my point during this post. So, let me better tell you about what are the causes of poverty.

1) Almost half of the world population live on less than $2.50 per day.

2) The GDP of 41 heavily Indebted poor countries is less than the wealth of the world's 7 richest people.

3) Nearly a billion people entered the 21st century unable to read a book or sign their names.

4) Less than one per cent of what the world spent every year on weapons was needed to put every child into school by the year 2000 and yet it didn’t happen.

5) 1 billion children live in poverty (1 in 2 children in the world). 640 million live without adequate shelter, 400 million have no access to safe water, 270 million have no access to health services. 10.6 million died in 2003 before they reached the age of 5 (or roughly 29,000 children per day).

"Poverty is the majority of the world's people and nations. "



The huge job, well in this post I'm referring to the Corruption system that almost all of our countries have. This system of corruption consists in the taking of money it is not form their own work. They are taking that money sometimes by making like works with other persons, narcotraffic, and so many things that create a great imapct and affect a lot the economy and standard of living in our countries.

I'll like to specify my post in Mexico that is one of the countries with a Democratic government that presents almost always a corrupted system. What does people is thinking by doing this? is the question that I I'm always asking me. Why? Well, I realize that people make this not because they need the money, but sometimes they are forced to do such "obligations".

I'm really scared about all this because Mexico is increasing evertime more; we are having not only corruption, but we are also getting all this kinds of violence (violation, drugs, suicide, deads, killes, thieves, etc...) Our country is presenting such problems that make us appear as a poor country in respect and lack of order, but yes they said that we are rich in humilious persons.

All this problem "CORRUPTION", creates great impacts that we can't even imagine what does this simple act make such things. For example our country is suffering of diseases and of poorness, but no, the government can't do anything because they don't have enough money. And tell me why does the main political figures have as much money as they can and they said that they don't have enough money to pay or to help a bunch of friends that are sufferin of hunger or cold.


I decide to made a blog of the movie Invictus because I enjoyed a lot this movie and because it is a really nice one; apart from that I remembered that on class you told us about a book ( I can’t remember the name nor the author) that has basically the same theme that the movie has. In these case is about how Nelson Mandela, the South African president, achieves to unify the apartheid-torn lands. How he achieves it? well I am not really telling you so that you watch the movie; but the movie is centred a lot in rugby ( yes, rugby the sport) and how rugby’s national team becomes a key element to the country unification in a political strategy. This movie teach you that even thought it may not always be clear, behind every decision and act there’s a reason. It also gives us an overview of how political strategies are organized and the importance of paying attention to small little details that may seem insignificant but turn to be very helpful at the end and without them achieving your goal could get even harder.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Lets sing all Together!

“United until Dead”

Have you ever heard a song named: “We are the World”; well I will like to talk about his because I love to sing and the purpose right here is to see how all this beautiful voices join only to sing this wonderful melody. We can say that it is only a song, but I want to make a little emphasis right here were the song is dedicated to the children and adults that are suffering and living that tremendous tragedy. Haiti is the name of the city that is living all this consequences (in the last piece of the song we can hear that a singer says: Haiti, Haiti, Haiti…. I love it).

We can see that a few years later we had Michael Jackson’s version were he sang also with lots of famous singers completely incomparable with the actual ones (they had voices that can’t be consider as the ones in the actual artistic world).

Now, what I really wanted to tell you is the impact that this song create in society. As my point of view the most important thing was that people and society can appreciate all this voices and the union that they are presenting because we had rappers, romantics, rockers, etc.. So, that way we can see that even though we are different in character, characteristics and culture; we are always united until dead(like the phrase I wrote in the beginning of the text); we are always united in this type of tragedies and cases that impact our economy, society and also it is something that touches our heart. We are making things to save does people and try to help them in the basic needs they have (food, water, etc…).

Discrimination to immigrants

We often see how some people are discriminate by others, but one that is common is when a persons criticize other because it have a different culture. It's unethical, but people keep doing that because they believe everything should be equal, and there should not be any changes, so for them, when a person who is different from them starts living in their country, it's a new threat right away.
If we start to think, how much a country will change if for one day, the immigrants didn't work, didn't buy things, and start a protest, imagine how this would affect us. First, immigrants will not help with their works, so many sectors in industries and companies would be left alone, and production would slow. Now talking about trade, if immigrants people of a country stop buying and demanding some products, they wouldn't contribute to raise the economy, so demand would decrease for a day.

But in some countries, immigrant people doesn't have the same rights that others, so they are treated different in certain areas, like work, or other public acts. But we have to know and understand that they want to be a part of our society, but they also want to keep a part f their culture, so we have to respect that, not considering someone less because of their beliefs. We are all human, and we have the same rights. We have to learn how to coexist before little differences tear us apart, in order to live better with others in the same world.


Should abortion be legal or illegal? This is an argument that no government is completely sure about the answer. In my personal opinion, it is easy for me to say that abortion should be illegal. Who am I to decide to lives or who dies, should I be responsible for a murder? The moral answer I think it would be: no, abortion should not be permitted. But this is where it gets tricky; what if a young teenage girl gets raped, does she has the right to abort? Or should she live with the terrible circumstances at such a young age? If someone should be able to answer this, I believe it should be the women; we are responsible for our bodies and for what happens to them, even though it is not always in our hands. Thankfully I have never seen myself in these circumstances and I do not agree with abortion, but I’m aware that if I ever see myself in these circumstances my opinions my opinion might change. Only being in the shoes of those who agree with abortion, we would understand their reasons.
This debate forms great polemic in a government because the states are not sure if they should support this idea because they know that if they accept many people would take advantage of this and there would be a chaos.
So as a conclusion I believe that this should be decision of every person, only we know the reason we act the way we do. We must take responsibility of our own acts, but without being forced of doing something because of the government.

Ecuador Team Work...

Ecuador is a small country in Latin America. Its former president its Rafael Correa and its vice-president is Lenin Moreno. The economy is principally based in the production of bananas and its main social issue is the inequality and the racism against poor people. But my blog isn’t about Ecuador but of my team.

I personately think we worked good and on time, although I have to admit that at the beginning I thought that we were really behind from the rest of the countries because we had just made research like 2 or 3 times before these weekend; Thanks to god I realized today that we weren’t behind in any single way cause we had finish with our 1st advance since Friday and many teams today hadn’t complete their worked or they made research in their countries for the first time this weekend. Maybe the reason that we were able to finish everything last week was that I had constantly been pushing Manuel and Abigail to research about Ecuador. It wasn’t easy to find updated information cause every time we wanted to use that information we realized that it was from 2002 or 2005 and I didn’t think that information before 2009 could be considered recent.

The good thing about me been w

ay to strict or pushy, how ever you want to call it, with my team was that we didn’t have a stressful weekend and that I think that Manuel is more than ready for Azmun cause on Friday I made him read the Plan de Desarollo Politico y Economico del 2010 for Ecuador, so by now he should be able to tell you the alliances, the main issues and how is the government planning to solve them. Maybe if I hadn’t been like a mom after my kids with the research right know we wouldn’t have finished anything.

It starts with you

I was doing my ethics homework and I got this idea of doing this blog post about it. I mean, we are all talking about global problems, problems in our society or in other societies; and we should really start to take some action for every one of them.

As answered some questions about values I came to the sense that it starts at the individual level. We know what values are, we have a moral code, we know what right and what is wrong. We should all think about the actions we do every day, even when you brush your teeth, you should think about it and consider if there is something you could do to make it be better to conrtibute for a greater good. Big steps start with small actions, lets save water, treat everyone with respect, don't throw trash on the floor, use your car less, be honest, be responsible, be respectful, and do all the good things that you can do. Every day when you are about to go to sleep, think back on your day and see what you did to help, trust me, you will feel better.

DRUNK Driving...

Last week my mom was invited to a TV program as a Regidora to talk about alcohol consumption in teenagers and the possible solutions, the reason why she was chosen was because she has a teenage daughter and they thought my mom could have more influence in people if she talked as the mother of a teen. As a formal authority my mom said that she was going to ask for more security in the streets and in the stores cause in first place teens are not legally allowed to buy alcohol and that there should be a way to sanction people that sell or buy alcohol to minors.

Before that day my mommy and I had been talking about alcohol in teens. After some chit chat we came to the conclusion that teenagers drink in most cases because of peer pressure, lack of attention from their family and friends, or to forget their problems.

If you think of it as I did that day, alcohol alone isn’t that big of a problem, the problem really starts when drunk people go out of their houses to the streets and causes disturbs to the people that aren’t drinking. The problem gets even bigger when the drunks (in these specific case teenagers) take the car keys and go out. While they are driving they press the accelerator to its maximum and because of their drunkenness their reflexes are slow and most of the time they fail in acting on time causing severe accidents.

Drunk drivers make our streets a dangerous place. My dad used to say " if those kids want to kill their selves that’s fine for me, as long as they don’t injure the innocents"; then here is the thing: drunk people don’t think of the consequences of their actions and while driving, most of the time the people that get injured are the innocents that had the awful luck of crashing or being involved in an accident caused by drunk guys; how unfair, don’t you think?


Is technology really a benefit?

Technology had been a really good improval to all of the human beings it had changed our life completely, but is techology really a good thing, is it really something that is is making our lives better?, I know that an obvious answer to this qurstion it'll be OF COURSE!, but, if we just stop to think a minute about what technology has done to us we may find techonology scaring even because we no longer communicate personaly with each other, well of course we do but know is easier for us to send an e-mail, to make a phone call, to text message, personal comunication is one of the last options for us, in other matters we can just think about a moment in which the electricity has stoped working we all go out of our minds, we think that there's nothing to do we think that we have no internet, no TV and we just don't know what to do with ourselves, but if we think about the past, the past in which we didn't even knew electricity, well most of us we weren't even born jet but for our granparents was completely normal, they didn't even need electricity, know for most of us internet is a vital part of our life, one day without internet it is our end. So, we might want to stop to think, s technology really helping us or is it making us useless?

The New Group "Greenology"

“We are making the Change”

Greenology is a New Society in Tec de Monterrey. It is a society born in 2010 in Hermosillo, Sonora with the objective to make an ecological school and then world. To start I’ll like to tell you what type of roles does this society has. For instance, for president we have Lillián Coronado and like 6 other people in the major table. All this people as well as the president is in charge of start creating new alternatives and also new techniques for the ecological aspect in school.

I talked to them last week because I’m part of the major table; and we have many different proposals but we can’t make them from one day to another. As first alternative we were going to make new trashcans, one of plastics, then for inorganic and organic. But even though we made them people doesn’t have that type of culture yet. For instance we don’t even know if the recycling paper is really being recollected by recyclers and also exchange that trash to create a positive result.

Start thinking about bigger problems at the beginning of all this process is that we have to create new publicity and new expectatives of the group. This is the only ecological society in Tec, so we have to consider the next aspects that we gave to complement in this society.

For instance:

1) A) We need a plan to create a new perspective of ecology and try to change people’s mind so they can start working with all the wastes that they delivered.

2) B) Greenology has to invite new people to practice in this movement and in this campaign that constantly we are having.

3) c) At the beginning Greenology had planned to make the “The Papeleton” and the creation of new trashcans so people can start reading and making a culture. ( So when we grow up, we can see that the world is different and that we need the help of all the society).

He is there, wating his next battle

The life of the captain Blas de Lezo y Olavarrieta, one of the most important marines in the Iberian military history, seems to arise from a legend or an adventure novel. His long life reached his climax during the Cartagena de Indies war in 1741 that take him to the glory but ironically also closed his destiny like one of the biggest forgotten heroes of the history. Thanks to him Spain got the control of the America and reaffirmed the powerful navy during half a century until the Trafalgar battle in 1805.

He was born in the province of Guipuzcoa in 1689 in a family that loved the sea. He entered the French navy and get involved in the Velez Malaga battle. He then entered the marine of his country, Spain. From there on his body become a souvenir of every battle. First he lost the left leg with a canon bullet. In the Santa Catalina de Tolon battle 1707 he lost his left eye. If it was not enough in Barcelona he lost his the right arm. He lost an ear later on. This man no mattering how his body was he still continued to battle and become a hero. The story said that he never said a word while he was suffering in the operations of his body. The Spanish men had respect for him. He was very lucky to not suffer any infection in his body while his body got cured. He was a great man, had passion for marine battles and always was there, without leg, arm, eye and ear, but always willing to fight again.

This is what we should call a hero. Just imagine him without many parts of his body but his love to continuing fighting at the sea was heavier. He fought and continued fighting for his country. This should be an example for us, the willingness of fighting not giving importance to the difficulties. He continued fighting until his death of pest. A hero that is now not remembered, an unknown hero, a man that gave his body for his love. His spirit is there in the sea waiting for his next battle.

My Grandfather.

I want to talk about my grandfather because I really admire him, He was person that did't only have companies that made money , he had his family and all of them where educated as he was, and all of his family is doing well nowdays.

I want to talk about him becuase all the good things he did to society, and religuios parties.

He help the poor people that didn't have money to pay their medicines like now is el Papanicolao,

His life was normal ,but at the age of 19 he feld the nessesity to create a company that sells all you can imagine like is Coppel , and he did well, then he did't only care about 1 company he wanted to expand, he did it .

I associete this with this class becuase we are seeing how people interacts and I think my granfather interacted well with the society.

In a conclusion I want to led people now that we all can do a better job in the society.


The human being was made to learn about all types of education, but one of the most important is physical education. Into this category Sports get in. sports consist of "playing" or "practicing" some kind of activity which most of the time is phisical. this is important because we must try to keep our body Fit and healty from problems likes overweight or Cardiovascular illnesses. Some examples of sports are Basquetball, Football, Tennis, proffesional swimming, etc. i believe that the most important type of sports are the ones played in teams, one of the reasons is because you learn to communicate with others better.

It is funny how you never imagine that a sport is able to unite a country, but even in that scence we must not underestimate the power that flows within it. A perfect example would be Invictus, Africa was able to get more united thanks to the collaboration a the spirit of a Rugby team. I believe that one of the most important thing a sport person needs is SPIRIT, because without it would make it boring with no thrill.

As a conclusion a highly recommend everyone to practice a sport so you can live the competitive and fun physicals practices.

ABC Accident

The ABC tragedy, Who’s fault is it? In my opinion this whole whose fault is it issue got out of control and turn completely in a political issue.

Looking for the responsibles to get them into jail, I think that isn’t the solution because it was an accident; Accidents are just accidents!!!. If the parents of the children want to blame someone they should start by blaming their selves cause you as a parent shouldn’t leave your kids in a place were you know he or she isn’t safe, so if you leave your children in there and you know it isn’t safe to leave them there then you are leaving them under your own responsibility.

Something else that I realized was that after the accident, the parents focused more in the elections than in getting a good medical service for the kids that were still alive; and as cruel as it may sound I think that those kids are fare more important at the moment than the ones that died; Why? simple, cause the dead kids aren’t going to come back and they are not suffering, while the kids that are still alive are suffering and struggling to continue alive.

People all over Sonora started to protest and blame a specific political partie and converted the accident into a Political thing, which I think it wasn’t the correct thing to do. I know that the parents from the kids that died received some money to pay the funerals and those things, and that after they accepted the money they declared that Bours wanted to buy their silence. But then I thought how do they dare to declare those things after they accept money? I just think that’s really ironic.

Then there was another whole scandalous thing, it turned that the owners of the day-care were related to the wife of the Ex- Governor of Sonora, Lourdes Laborín, and so after this we have that they found that in reality the owners were related to the Former Presidents Wife Margarita Zavala, but how come the people never knew that? well as I said before, it was because of the way the things in Sonora were being managed by political interests ( notice that elections were less than a month away).

I really cant believe how can people be so mean and cruel when they are after personal interest. I could continue talking about certain things and details I got to know because of my parents jobs, but I don’t really know until what point is it appropriate. Now I am only thinking, if this was used to manipulate state elections I don’t want to know how far can parties go to manipulate the next federal election, there’s nothing we can do but to wait and keep an eye on what is happening.

Alternative Power Sources

Wind Power

There are many possible energy alternatives that we can use instead of the constant burning of fossil fuels. A clear example is the wind power, which is the conversion of wind into a useful form of energy. For this kind of conversion, some machinery such as generators to make electricity are required, wind-mills for mechanical power, wind-pumps for pumping water or drainage, or sails to propel ships.

Wind energy is a very good option as an alternative to fossil fuels, as a power source is attractive, this alternative has very good qualities such as it is plentiful, renewable, it can be widely distributed, it is clean, and produces no greenhouse gases. However, not all the countries use this kind of energy because of the visual impact that the windmills cause or sometimes they affect the environment.

It is of great importance to use the possible alternative energies, because the base of our technology now at days is the energy produced by the burning of fossil fuels, and in a determined time they will be over. We must use alternatives like the wind power to have more energy and in a way in which our environment wouldn’t be affected. Some countries such as United States, Germany, Spain, China, UK, Portugal, Italy, etc, are already using this kind of energy.

Couple on South Korea raised a virtual kid and forgot about their real baby

Yesterday I saw in the news something that leaved me really impressed and sad at the same time. I read on the newspaper that a couple somewhere in South Korea start raising a virtual child in a videogame or something related. They start getting very deeply in the virtual game that they forgot to care about their real kid and the poor baby died.

The couple fed their 3-month-old daughter once a day between marathon stretches in a local Internet cafe, where they were raising a virtual child in the fantasy role-playing game Prius Online.

“Police said the couple had lost their jobs and used the game as an escape from reality, especially after the birth of their premature baby” according the note I saw on the newspaper.

This is an example of how a vicious can lead to disaster, to lost something we really want, and because we are doing something else we do not notice. This case was a completely tragedy, but is also an example of how technology is controlling us even more with the years.

Of course this couple must have a serious stress problem and maybe they were trying to escape from their real life that maybe in that moment was difficult, but that is not a justification for stop taking care a 3-month baby, they obviously have some biggest problems in their minds.

Project advance

I decide to make this contribution to the blog our final project advances. Recently, our team made a homework which includes several aspects, mostly economic, about our country Venezuela. Before starting this project I did not know too much about this South American country, but know my knowledge and interest for Venezuela is bigger. One thing I learned was the scarcity of food that the Venezuelans are dealing with, and how this problem is making a lot of crimes are taking place on the markets by robbers that try to obtain food.

Now talking about more positive aspects about this beautiful country is the strong economic alliances they have, thanks to their great amount of oil. Venezuela has strong relation with the United States because of the oil that is exported to the U.S.A.

Hugo Chavez, president of Venezuela has negotiated with countries from Middle East in order to have a better development of technology, according on what we saw in our research, this do not makes happy president Obama and the United States because they think these agreements are related with nuclear weapons.

A lot of interesting things can be found when you start investigating deeply in a country you did not know too much. Venezuela is not an exception, it has also wonderful places to visit, a great number of customs and traditions, and also the most beautiful woman of the world in the Miss Universe contest had come from Venezuela, a great place with no doubt.


Ethics is concerned with how to live human life. Humans turned out to be far more dangerous than any other animal; the intelligence makes us extremely useful and valuable. Human treatment is to try to put you in the other person shoes, taking into account their rights and understand their reasons. Our interests are relative, except the interest of being human among us and without it there can’t be a good life. It means to feel sympathy for others. Life is too complex and subtle, people too different, too varied situations and intimate. Everyone is free and fair for oneself to live well. To understand what the other can hope from you, also love is needed, it is also very important; who lives must be capable of a sympathetic justice or a fair compassion.

Ethics can be applied at any field, and business is not the exception. In business, firms want the highest profit for the company, most of the time despite the ecological or social cost.

Apply the ethics in business means ethics in a professional field; examining ethical problems that take place (arise) in a business environment. It is basically that corporations keep a character of honesty, fairness and humanness. In some cases, corporations have redefined their values; however, the practice of ethics is not an instrument for image building.

People should realize that in order to live a civilized society we have to take part of it, acting in a human way, consequences will come if we don’t behave according to the time we are living. How would the world be if all though the same way a corrupted a business man does?.. A global disaster for sure.

Modern democracy has attempted to establish these minimum requirements, called human rights and people must demand them to be practiced towards them and others.

Everyone must behave in a civilized way, respect others, and have as our priority the healthy relations with people and not just the self-interest and benefit.

The cost of abusing

On thursday I was reading the paper and I came across a really intersting column by Leo Zuckermann called "Los costos del abuso". In this column, he talks about how here in México everyone abuses of the easy things. To explain this he gives the example of the canadian visa, he explains how we as mexicans were given the oportunity to live there as refuges, if we needed it. In this system they went in as mexicans and aplied to be in the system, for the time they needed to do research and consider if you really needed "shelter" they supplied them with income, as well as free education and health services. Mexicans started to take advantage of this, and even when they didn't fit the standards to be refugees they stayed there as illegals. The canadian government realized that people were doing this, and now we all have to pay the price and going to Canada is much more difficult.
This hasn't just happened in this case, it happens with everything, and it is why we have to make all those long lines and fill all those papers, because we abuse. He also compares México with the United Kingdom, because he had the experience to be as a student there, and he was surprised when they lent him a lot of money, a friend of his from them told him it was because they trusted him.
I believe that we, as individuals should change our behavior and use the oportunities we are given wisely, and not abusing, because they can take it away from us. Besides, the government is investing more than they should in making this strict regimens, we shouldn't need them to do that, we should be able to take advantage of something without abusing.

Google WORLD!!!

What do you think about when you hear GOOGLE?, well before my last class of Plan de Vida y Carrera I could only think of it as a very famous Searcher(buscador). In fact, I had never thought before of Google as a very successful company.

In class we saw a couple of videos that show us how Googl

e works and I have to admit that I was really surprised and absolutely amazed with what I learned. It turns out that Google gets all its money from selling space and time for advertisements. I couldn’t believe how much money they got. The company is very careful with its publicity, they don’t want their pages so look overloaded or full of ads, that’s why when you go their pages you don’t find tons of publicity that over crowds your main page and distracts you cause after all that’s from where they get all the money.

All the people that works in Google are super smart, but being smart isn’t enough for Google, their employees should also have several interest like hobbies and be super creative; All this is because they are in a constant change.

For Google creativity is a huge dea

l, therefore the company does everything at its reach to keep its employees happy, relaxed, and comfortable. If you work for Google you have the best installations you could wish for while you work. There’s like 3 restaurants that offer different types all food, from veggie to Chinese; near your office there are several refrigerators filled with tons of products.

In the relaxation part they have basketball courts, gym, yoga, pilates and dance classes. There are huge green areas were you can have a walk, ride a bicycle or take scooters.

The best part is that all these services are completely FREE!!!.

Google workers don’t have specific schedules, they have super flexible schedules. They also do not use uniforms nor have a dress code. That way you feel comfortable with what you go to work and you are able to give a 120% of your dedication to complete your tasks with excellence.

In my opinion this is a complete company cause they focus in technology, the human resources and the efficiency. Google also thinks green and does everything at its reach to reduce contamination.


Everybody remembers the day we saw this movie as a part of Ethics class. I was very moved by this movie's feeling of triumph and the happiness hidden in every single thing.

The story talks about how President Nelson Mandela worked together with the captain of South African's rugby team to help unify the country.

Before I saw this movie, I was not very fond of sports.I didn't knew why seeing sports was so popular in Mexico, and mainly I didn't knew how sports can help unify a country.

When Nelson Mandela becames president of South Africa, a nation that is divided by economic and extreme racial issues, being him the new president, he starts to make things that help unify this country and one of this things is by helping the South African rugby team to win the rugby cup. I hardly understand why helping them win a cup could really unify a country, and now I know. When the team won, we could see everybody celebrate, being wealthy,rich,black, or white. Each and everybody of them were celebrating their team's victory. They all felt victorious.

Every little thing that makes each and everyone feel proud of being born on that country is what truely unifies them, making them better.

Comforts in Google

We all know about a very popular enterprise called Google, but what no all the people know about this company is the way in which their employees realize their jobs. Recently I saw a video related to the way in which the employees of a very important and popular company called Google work. These employees work under very comfortable situations. They are able to eat and work in any place inside this huge area which is more like a vacation place, this company is full of trees and other plants, they produces their own vegetables which they sell in the different cafeterias in the company.

The employees transport themselves by using electric cars or bicycles, and some others even walk. They are allowed to take their poets to the job and dress the way they feel more comfortable. I think that these incredible comforts are the factors that influence in the great popularity and success of Google.

When people work in a very human and healthy environment they are able to do a better job and make any task with a more positive attitude. This kind of environments are the ones the companies and also societies need to achieve progress and success, we should follow the example of this great company and begin to be more dedicated and try to work under comfortable situations, but at the same time trying to help the nature, because there is no point on working hard for progress if we don’t have a place where we could live.


A mayor economic indicator that economy is doing well is the employment and unemployment percentage in the country. If there is less unemployment then the economy is increasing, because if there is more people working, it means that the country is generating more money and they will be able to produce more goods and services, then they can sell the goods and generate money. But if there is more unemplyment in the country than everything is going to get worse because then they are going to increase taxes and other things. When this happens then it is harder for the economy to increase because then you cannot consume as much goods as you would want and everything just gets harder.

Unemployment is terrible because not only is is frustrating to know that the money you own, half will go to taxes and the rest will have to be divided into all your expenses, like food, clothing, gas, electricity, water and many other things, and because you are to tight in money you hve to cut back on most of those things and buy only the essentials, this is not a very good feeling.

So the best thing to do to increase the economy is to create more jobs, invest in companies thay will help increase the countries economy.


I want to talk about a theme very important here in Hermosillo, the tandeo. I think this is a way of how the goverment is dealing with one of the global problem that is scarcity of water.

Here on Hermosillo we don't have a lot of water, so we need to get our water from another places, underwater, dams, rivers(the little we have). So one measurement that the goverment took was to start the Tandeo.

So the first measurment they tok was closing the dam El Molinito, then they had given us 8 hours of water at the day, I think this is a good measument that Aguah is doing. They are trying to conserve water and to make use value what we have, so we need to star to take concience in natural resources, because someday we will have scarcity in all of them.

Farming in the UK

As known by many, since the Industrial Revolution, The United Kingdom has grown a lot in terms of machinery, and agriculture hasn’t been apart from that. It has been used to increase the production and to reduce the handwork on the English.

In the United Kingdom, agriculture is one of the main positive factors of the economy. It is very productive because it is highly mechanized and it doesn’t need a lot of labour force. The merchandise produced in the UK depends mainly on the soil and on the climate. For example, in England, the main products are potatoes, wheat, oats, and barley, among other grains, fruits and vegetables. On the other hand, Scotland also produces these products, but it produces strawberries and carrots as well.

Superficially, it could seem like The United Kingdom is not an agricultural country, but with some research, we know now that this country exports a lot of the production obtained with this activity. These exportations represent a huge income to the UK’s economy.

Some interesting facts about agriculture ;)

o Farming contributed £5.6 billion to the UK economy in 2006.
o The total area of agricultural land in 2006 was 18.7 million hectares, about 77 per cent of the total land area in the United Kingdom (excluding inland water).
o Agriculture provides around 60 per cent of Britain's food needs

Agriculture may be seen as a non-important activity in The United Kingdom but it is, and it a positive factor in the UK’s economy because it keeps it growing.

A big Chain

While navigating through internet to find economic issues of The Independent Republic of China, I found out that we aren't the only ones with water scarcity issues, it seemed that China too was suffering with water scarcity. Water scarcity is a big problem in a country, but this time scarcity didn't take my attention, but the issue with rice.

You see, rice is an important factor for China's country, without water China can't reproduce rice, and without rice China can't feed its whole population. Of course, it is a great issue, but not only that, it is a GREAT GLOBAL ISSUE. I later found out that China's rice is exported to many parts around the world and that China's rice problem concerns all of us since its rice supplies the half of the world's rice.

It really is a big chain, if China stops reproducing rice, then eveybody around the world will have serious hunger problems.

Who would've thought that a country's problem would be another one's too.

Scarcity of Water

We all know about the “strategy” for saving water called TANDEO, I think we are becoming used to this situation and some of us are really annoyed because of the scarcity of water. This situation has become really stressing because we constantly face situations in which there is no water in our house and we are forced get it from other places such as water gallons that we buy in the stores. Last Saturday I woke up at 8:00pm and took a shower about at 1 o’clock, later I realized that the water was totally over, the “Rotoplas” in my house was totally empty. I wasn’t surprised because I’m getting used to the fact that water is scarce in our city, but what really made me angry was to know that the water was cut since two days before. Later I heard that days before there were some announcements telling about this cut of water. Finally after three days and because of my ignorance, as soon as the water returned I instantly began to fill as many containers as I found. On Sunday my dad told me about a man who called at a radio station asking for the address of the Mayor of the city, and protesting because he was sure that the mayor didn’t have this kind of problems in his house. This make me think about the fact that if we feel really bad with this situation, what will happen when the water turns more scarce.

Oil scarcity

Oil is a substance very valuable, because it has differents uses and can derivate a long variety of products that serve the most common needs, like gas, for example. But, as we know, oil has a limit on our planet, an every day the price of oil is more valuable, because even if we haven't discovered all the capacity of oil that our planet, because oil is scarce on our planet, people is trying to get more of this resource in order to satisfy different needs and sell it in the market.

But when we talk about oil and its importance, we should try to investigate how countries are intending to get it and what's at risk in this kind of ways. Because of the price value of oil, and the scarcity of it, countries are now more interested and becoming owner of different settlements destinated to oil production and new spots of oil descovery, but how are countries willing to do in order to obtain it?

Well, we have some examples, like the most common nowadays. The USA invaded the Afganistán and then Iraq, because of the attacks in New York City, and the treat of terrorists groups who are trying to create a chaos because of their purposes. But let's not forget that USA has an interest in oil. An article said that: "President Bush's Cabinet agreed in April 2001 that Iraq a destabilising influence to the flow to oil to international markets from the Midlle East and because this is an unnacceptable risk to the US, military intervention is neccessary".

So countries are willing to create new conflicts that could have collateral damages on others, just to get oil and other resourses, we should work together as a planet rather than fighting to get more resourses than others, when is being powerful more important than to live better ?


To have ecologic intelligence is to be able to distinguish what is good for you, your body and the impact that is has in the environment. Although many people are not ecologically intelligent a few others are, and we should all follow their example. Because by being ecologically intelligent you are becoming aware of the things you are consuming, the effect that they are going to produce in the environment once you do not need the product anymore, if it is going to be in the garbage for 100 years or 20, if it is a recycle product or not, if this product can be recycled or not. This way we are helping the environment and at the same time we are helping our selvAlineación al centroes.

We help ourselves because we become aware of the products that we are going to consume and see if the ingredients that the product has are good for us or not. If we start doing this know after a couple of days we will get used to do this and later on we will do it without even knowing, we will choose products and foods that will benefit our health and not damage the environment we live in. Let be Eco-intelligent!:)

A great sister and a smart criminal

Last day I read a story about a girl who worked for his stepfather. This type of job was a bad job, the stepfather made the girl work as a model for nude photos. She didn't wanted to be working on this type of job, so she said to her stepfather that she would quit from working like that. The stepfather, furiously told her that if she quitted he would make her little sister work on the same job or maybe just kill her. The girl didn't wanted her little sister to be working on those kinds of jobs, and furiosly killed her stepfather. She didn't wanted for them to suffer everyday cause of him, she didn't wanted for her little sister to live what she lived, thats why he killed him, to protect both of them.

This made me think, what if most criminals make this kind of terrible things in order to protect someone precious? Anyways, they are just humans and they have someone they love and want to protect.

Parlez-vous français?

Est-ce que le français c’est vraiment important ? Bien oui, le français c’est une langue qui a beaucoup d’importance dans le monde actuelle. C’est pour ca que je considère que le fait que le Tec nous enseigne français nous aidera vachement dans notre vie future.

Quand j’apprends des nouveaux mots en français je peux faire une comparaison avec les deux langues que je déjà sais. Ca c’est superbe parce que je peux bien faire une relation et je peux augmenter mon vocabulaire à l’espagnol ou à l’anglais.

Une autre avantage de savoir français ce que nous avons accès a plus d’information, pas seulement a l’information qui est écrit en anglais ou en espagnol. Nous pouvons aussi rechercher sur l’internet dans les pages écrites en français.

À mes classes des français, on n’apprend pas uniquement la grammaire de la langue française, on apprend aussi de la société et de la culture française. Ca c’est très utile puisque ca m’ouvre la vision du monde et aussi parce que j’arrive à comprendre le mode de vie d’autres personnes.

Afin de pratiquer le français on fait beaucoup d’exercices. On appelle par l’intermédiaire de skype en France et on se sert des professeurs français pour avoir une meilleure prononciation et pour apprendre du vocabulaire colloquial. À la classe, on fait aussi des discussions sur un thème spécifique et on commence à argumenter nos points de vues.

Je vraiment crois que savoir parler et écrire le français nous est très utile parce que nous pouvons accroître notre connaissance sur les langues, la culture et sur le monde en général.

Inspiration: Google it!

Last Thursday, in the class of “Plan de Vida y Carrera”, we saw a video of how a Google company works. I found very interesting and relevant because it explained how Google make their employees feel comfortable and inspired.

First of all, I want to make clear that Google is a company that is compromised with the world and with sustainable development. In order to transport employees, the company has buses that take the workers from the company to their homes and vice versa. They also have bicycles that can be used by anyone who works at Google.
The company has little gardens to promote plant care in his workers.

Google does everything to make their employees feel inspired enough to create amazing things. Some of those things are: having available food for the (at any time, any place, and any kind); letting them wear whatever they want and however they feel at ease; allowing employees to bring their pets (except cats); allowing them to decorate their office as crazy as they can, so they feel happy. Google also provides flextime and they can even work at home if they cannot go to the office.

We all know that Google is one of the most amazing and successful companies in the world. It’s no coincidence that the employees work that good only because they are excellent engineers or because they are geniuses, it’s because Google provides them all the tools to be that.

I truly believe that Google is doing a great job by being such an incredible company. It’s generating money, it has compromise with society and nature, it satisfies the needs of many of us (YouTube, blogger, Gmail, etc.) and it is one of the best companies ever.

The pill

I saw the news and i found something intresting about how the goverment control the behavior of people. On Lima, Peru the goverment started again to distribut free pills (the next day pill), they had already stopped to do that but the OMS organizacion Mundial de la Salud, had prhibited that pill because they thought the pill had abortion effects.

Now they investigate more about the pill, they dont know if it does you damage but what they know is that this pill have no abortion effects. On Peru the abortion is ilegal exept when the mother is in danger. This is why the goverment stoped the free distribution on the first place, but they didn't mind that stores selled this product. But then they realized the pill wasn't related with abortion that is why they started to distribute it again. I felt this a good example of how goverment tried to change or mold our behavior on society.

Influence of Technology in Economics

Will technology ever reach a point where the production process becomes so automated that humans will become unemployed? Well that’s a question that we should be trying to answer, because what would happened to the economy and people if humans become useless? Now the roll of technology in the economic factors of production is known as capital. We use technology in many different ways for example in factories or crops, in an uncountable number of machines like computers, vehicles such as tractors or irrigation machines.

Even though our modern technologies might not be able to reason by their own in such a way that they could control or realize any human action or task in a determined time, they will be able to reason by their own and solve many problems. They will be capable of generating more robots and maybe help the difficult task of controlling or helping in the economy of a country. Technology has a very important roll in our actual economy because of the use of computers, but maybe someday robots or artificial intelligence will reach a level in which the economy could be controlled just by machines.

I think we must not worry about the robots taking control over the world because we as their creators should be able to control them, even though they can be of great use for any task related with statistics or any other process related to the economy of country, I think that economics need a little human reasoning and at the same time be related to values so that the economy of country could help all the communities in a country.

Hunger and Poverty

Hunger is everywhere we look, in Africa and even here in our city. Hunger exists because of poverty and poverty exist because of the economic crisis. Hungers principal cause is as I said poverty, many people are dying of hunger because they do not have enough money to pay for water and basic foods. If they have a little bit of money what they do is get the cheapest type of food they can find and buy as much as they can so they can survive a few more days.

Many of the foods that these people can buy actually affect more their health than help it. Because to have good health we have to eat a variety of foods, if we eat to much of one food depending of what it is, we can gaing weight or have some other health problems that can make us end up in hospitals. But these people cannot even affor to buy food, how are they going to afford a hospital if they need it? Lucky in many places we have instutions that open on week-end monrings that serve food to homeless people and othe people that can not afford to buy food, besie week-ends they are also opened on holidays, so poor people can also enjoy those days. These insitutions are made possible by peoples donations and the people who are there to give out the food are all voluntaries.

There are also other types of institutions for poor people, there are shelters that take in poor people for the night and they open every night, leting in each time diferent homeless people, they have to line up and wait; but still there is not enough room for all of them.

Hunger is a terrible thing in the world and maybe this is one problem that we will never be able to solve for completly, but still we try, we can make more of these institutions that help homeless people and people that can not afford to buy good type of foods.

Summer Wars

Last weekend I saw an animation movie called "Summer Wars" I really liked this so much that I consider it to be one of my favorites.

The main plot about this movie is that everyone in the world is connected to a famous web page called "oz", a webpage-like facebook. In this site, everyone can use it for playing, buying things online, communicate, or even working. The main problem arises when a virus shows up in the interweb, called "love machine". This extrange virus hacks every user from the webpage.
When doing this, the smart virus accesses the username's account and, since the username used this account to work, the virus can manipulate every aspect of his work. For example, if the hacked user worked in the system that controlled the traffic light, the virus can manpulate the traffic lights but not only that, it can manipulate hospital machines too, unfortunately, creating confusion and chaos to citizens, a new type of terrorism.

This movie suddenly becames more serious when the virus manages to hack an account that worked with a satellite. Knowing this, the virus enters the satellite's system and commands it to impact earth, creating a collition similar to a bomb.

This made me think that, since internet now a days is used more often, someday we will highly depend on it. I really understand that someday, the internet world will be the new type of main battleground for a world war, if we ever have one...

Invisibility of Racism: Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong

I found this pretty interesting book named, "Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong" As its title says, this book is about how learning history mainly depends on books and how the government and other institutions, such as the church, ask to delete some information. This chapter named, "Invisibility of Racism" is about how politics and society have treated minorities, especially African-American, badly.

First, it talks about how some American Presidents such as Washington and Jefferson owned slaves, and Wall Street was the marketplace where rich people could buy slaves. Ironic, isn't? It also says that slavery was one of the main factors that led to Texas War: Crockett and the other people fought for freedom...The freedom to own slaves.

While in politics, white people were so racist that one of the Democratic candidates won, because the Republican candidates attempted to guarantee civil rights to African Americans. By 1921, African American people were considered as second-class citizens and people used any chance they had to make fun of them, one example is that newspapers published cartoons degrading black ability, such as how black people were happier on the plantations than in city since they were not "competent".

History books show Ku Klux Klan history and that once, they dropped dynamite from an airplane onto a black ghetto, killing people and destroying homes. But, the truth is that it was not a “black ghetto” but one of the most sophisticated black areas at that time known as “Black Wall Street”. Here, people were wealthy, and well-educated. There were a lot of businesses: stores, cinemas, pharmacies, libraries, among others.