Tuesday, March 9, 2010

We Really Are the World!

Last week I heard at Ludovik’s office a song that immediately caught my attention. I asked him about it and he told me that the name of the song was “We Are the World”. What a beautiful song! I said.

Now that I analyze it, it is not only a beautiful song because it is sung by around 80 good artists, but because of the intention of it. Since the earthquake happened in Haiti, many people joined their will to do something good and make the difference. In the Campus, for example, some students collected money to help Haitians. These artists made something similar but in a bigger scale, and they decided to sing this song that was once sung by Michael Jackson.

There have been many critics to this song, but I don’t really care because I see only at the good intention that was behind the action. iTunes was supporting this activity and every time the song was downloaded from the site, one dollar was going to Haiti.

I really appreciate moments when people unite for good causes. I know that what happened to Haiti wasn’t good at all, but looking to the positive side, we can see that that catastrophe made a lot of people be conscious about the conditions in which Haitians lived. A lot of persons, including me, weren’t aware that natural disasters happen and that we, as human, can so many things to help our people.

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