Sunday, March 7, 2010


Did you know that power abuse is a serious social problem ?

Well yes, power abuse is always present. Sometime we don't notices it or we don't want to accept it. We can se power abuse present in every social circle. We are all victims and abusers. Power abuse limit us to think, express and act. Keeping quiet something that bothers you, nos saying what you think, or simply not think and only do what you are told to are things we permit and ar signs of power abuse.

You can find power abuse every where, one place is at school. Power abuse at school can be present when teachers feel that just because they are teacher and adults they have the right to do what ever they want. Some teachers think that they have the right to shout to a student and disrespect them just because they are teachers. "I¿m the teacher and what i do is correct" "I'm the teacher and my grade is correct because i said so" Those are some tipical phrases of an Abusive teachers. Being a teacher doesn't give them the right to disrespect a studen or to grde their work as they want. Teachers are there to teach us and to help us. We are ask for respect toward our teachers but teahcers can disrespect us ? i don't think so!

As students we have the right to be respected and treated in a good way. At Tecnologico de Monterrey we have the right to be respected by everyone in the campus and at the same time we have the obligation to respect others. We also have the right to complain i we are not ok with something, obviously in a propper and respectuful way.

We shouldn't be afraid of saying a teacher that they are wrong, we shouldn't be afraid of complaining and most importante we shound't be afraid of demmanding respect. I really hate when teachers think they can shout us, disrespect us humilliate us or grade our work as they want and that we students' won't do anything. And this might be truth, many students keep to theirselves. In school they teach us to respect others, to treat others i we would liek tobe treated, teaches the concept justices equiality, respect and many other things. school demands students to practice every single sing mentioned before, but how do they expect for us to do it if our teachers don't do it ?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think that this is a serious issue you have chosen to write about. Make sure that you are careful not to allege abuse, and if you do intend to make an allegation, it is our duty to start the appropriate investigations. Perhaps you would like to discuss this in person?