Monday, March 8, 2010

DRUNK Driving...

Last week my mom was invited to a TV program as a Regidora to talk about alcohol consumption in teenagers and the possible solutions, the reason why she was chosen was because she has a teenage daughter and they thought my mom could have more influence in people if she talked as the mother of a teen. As a formal authority my mom said that she was going to ask for more security in the streets and in the stores cause in first place teens are not legally allowed to buy alcohol and that there should be a way to sanction people that sell or buy alcohol to minors.

Before that day my mommy and I had been talking about alcohol in teens. After some chit chat we came to the conclusion that teenagers drink in most cases because of peer pressure, lack of attention from their family and friends, or to forget their problems.

If you think of it as I did that day, alcohol alone isn’t that big of a problem, the problem really starts when drunk people go out of their houses to the streets and causes disturbs to the people that aren’t drinking. The problem gets even bigger when the drunks (in these specific case teenagers) take the car keys and go out. While they are driving they press the accelerator to its maximum and because of their drunkenness their reflexes are slow and most of the time they fail in acting on time causing severe accidents.

Drunk drivers make our streets a dangerous place. My dad used to say " if those kids want to kill their selves that’s fine for me, as long as they don’t injure the innocents"; then here is the thing: drunk people don’t think of the consequences of their actions and while driving, most of the time the people that get injured are the innocents that had the awful luck of crashing or being involved in an accident caused by drunk guys; how unfair, don’t you think?

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