Monday, March 8, 2010


Is technology really a benefit?

Technology had been a really good improval to all of the human beings it had changed our life completely, but is techology really a good thing, is it really something that is is making our lives better?, I know that an obvious answer to this qurstion it'll be OF COURSE!, but, if we just stop to think a minute about what technology has done to us we may find techonology scaring even because we no longer communicate personaly with each other, well of course we do but know is easier for us to send an e-mail, to make a phone call, to text message, personal comunication is one of the last options for us, in other matters we can just think about a moment in which the electricity has stoped working we all go out of our minds, we think that there's nothing to do we think that we have no internet, no TV and we just don't know what to do with ourselves, but if we think about the past, the past in which we didn't even knew electricity, well most of us we weren't even born jet but for our granparents was completely normal, they didn't even need electricity, know for most of us internet is a vital part of our life, one day without internet it is our end. So, we might want to stop to think, s technology really helping us or is it making us useless?

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