Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Human Value in a Firm

Thursday, at my “Professional Orientation” class, we read some articles about what a company ought to have in order to be considered good. The main article suggested that it must have five elements: care for humans, creativity, innovation capacity, proper use of technology and generation of profit.
I thought that it was great to have a human focus but the more important were the other four, since creativity and innovation will keep you in the market, technology will help you develop your way of working and efficiency, and the generation of profit is simply essential for a company to stand still.
It was only when I watched a video about the ‘google’ offices that I realized how important the human focus is in any workplace. We saw in that video that google employees have lots of facilities and an amazing environment for working! They have an office designed for them to explode their creativity, with several activities they can do throughout the day. They’re able to take their pets to their office, they can go to the cafeteria and eat and drink whatever they want for free! They also have buses (kind of like the Expresso Tec here) that take them from the Silicon Valley to the surrounding areas (like San Francisco), so that they can go and come back whenever they have the need. They have bikes they can all use to transport themselves inside the “campus” and they just have to leave them wherever they please, so that others can use them. They have a blackboard in the lobby of every building and everyone that goes in must write something in there, whatever they want. This is one form of fomenting creativity. There are also places to go and relax, practice yoga, etc., so that when you’re stressed you can take a break and later come back to work.
After watching this we all wanted to work there! Why? Simply because it’s different from any other job we’ve heard of and it makes feel those who work there happy with what they’re doing. I think that people have a better disposition to work when they are given certain freedom and they’re not as pressured as in a regular office. This is the factor that makes production better, because with tired and bitter employees, a firm could have all of the other factors but it still wouldn’t be a good firm.
I found this interesting for blogging because it involves society and economics. It’s important for an economy to identify how the human being works and responds to certain stimuli so that with that psychological profile, we can design the way of using our resources with a maximum efficiency (like in the PPC). We learned in class that any point inside the PPC curve is possible but it’s not having the maximum efficiency, and I think that if employees don’t have such a good disposition to work, we’ll place ourselves inside the curve. And none of us want that, right?
So I end up with the conclusion that having a great workplace, a nice office, a flexible schedule and facilities everywhere, is a huge determinant in the production of capital, although it doesn’t seem as important if you don’t analyze it deeply. So please, let’s analyze everything a little more deeply!

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