Sunday, March 7, 2010

Drug Use

Now a days we are living in a culture of drugs. We wake up and we consume caffeine while we drink our cup off coffee, during the day we might smoke a cigarette in order to eliminate stress and finally at night we are able to relax with a glass of alcohol or fall asleep with a sleeping pill. But those drugs are not the real, the real problem are the illegal drugs, like marijuana, cocaine, hallucinogens, etc. Illegal drugs bring many problems to society: drug abuse, narcotrafic, violence, etc.

Most of the time the use of drugs start just for curiosity, but remember that curiosity killed the cat. Many people become drug dependants. People think that with drugs they can escape from all their problems but they are actually falling into a bigger problem. Drug abuse doesn’t bring anything good. Once i was talking with a friend who had problems with drugs, and i ask him: "Why did you use drugs?" his answer was: “When i use them it felt like if i was in a trip to happiness. I was able to forget every problem i had. I was able to live behind the problems in my house, the shouts of my parents, and my problems in school, everything that bothered me disappeared for a period of time." When he finished talking i couldn't say a word. How many people are in that same situation? People actually spend all that there money in drugs tat they think they will make them happy. They spend there life trying to travel in a trip to happiness that will lead them to everything except happiness. "When you are a drug addict 1000$ means nothing, you don't survive a whole weekend with 1000$" People who consume drugs spend a lot of money on it and what about drug dealers? They are rich : The economy of a drug addict person is really affected. If they work, they work to earn money to buy drugs. But the problem is that most of the time, if not always, drug abusers don't work and this causes rubs and things like that. Drug abuse is really a big problem in society.

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