Monday, March 8, 2010


Should abortion be legal or illegal? This is an argument that no government is completely sure about the answer. In my personal opinion, it is easy for me to say that abortion should be illegal. Who am I to decide to lives or who dies, should I be responsible for a murder? The moral answer I think it would be: no, abortion should not be permitted. But this is where it gets tricky; what if a young teenage girl gets raped, does she has the right to abort? Or should she live with the terrible circumstances at such a young age? If someone should be able to answer this, I believe it should be the women; we are responsible for our bodies and for what happens to them, even though it is not always in our hands. Thankfully I have never seen myself in these circumstances and I do not agree with abortion, but I’m aware that if I ever see myself in these circumstances my opinions my opinion might change. Only being in the shoes of those who agree with abortion, we would understand their reasons.
This debate forms great polemic in a government because the states are not sure if they should support this idea because they know that if they accept many people would take advantage of this and there would be a chaos.
So as a conclusion I believe that this should be decision of every person, only we know the reason we act the way we do. We must take responsibility of our own acts, but without being forced of doing something because of the government.

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