Monday, March 8, 2010

World Hunger

What do you prefer: a pizza or a soup of vegetables? When your mom cooks something you don't like, do you eat it? Suppose you are very very hungry and you only have a hamburguer, you see a child who has eat nothing for a week, would you give it to him, would you give him half, or would you give hin nothing? Would you put yourself on a diet?

Alimentation is an essential element for the people's health. It is based on the quality of the food, the quantity of food that you consume, and the habits of the person, including other factors such as the time of sleeping and excercise made; with all of these you can get the energy to endure all life's situations. People should eat a balnace diet, consuming the correct quantities of the four groups of food of the nutritional pyramid (carbohydrates, fats, vegetables and fruits and sugars). If a balance diet is not consumed, people are expossed to serveral diseases such as anemia, leukemia, and others.

However, have you ever think about children who are working in the street trying to help their parents econimical situation, woman who need to work the entire day to feed her children, or people in Africka whose diet is based mostly on a piece of pure bread and some fruits?

These people are not receiving a proper diet, they can't even consume a muffin or an ice tea.

On the other hand, the rest of us are very strict. We are never comfortable with anything, and we always want to get what we want.

When a child does not like what his mom has cooked, he refuses to eat it. He always wants his desires to be supplied. The child starts with a show (crying and kicking everything) until he gets what he wants to eat. Another example are anorexics; these girl refuse to eat. They don’t even want to taste the smallest and most delicious cookie just to keep a “good body”.

We need to find a solution to hunger. We need to focus and take advantage of what we have because tomorrow it might have disappeared!

We need to put on practice our values such as:

· Solidarity: Think about others instead of only about yourself.
· Humanism: Treat others as a human should be treated.
· Reciprocity: Resources should be given the same among citizens.
· Fairness: We all humans have the same opportunities.

Poor people, Africans, or any other people not able to taste a good piece of bread are no guilty. They did not choose that situation; they were just committed into that, and now they have to endure it.

Most of these people try to get over their situation; they look for a better life, but they would not get out of the hole without our help. They need us, they need the entire world.

My ideas for solving the problem of hunger are:
· Eliminating the discrimination of race, color, and sex.
· More institutions in charge of helping kids without parents, or kids whose parents are not in conditions of giving them a good life.

Lets not complain about what we have, lets take advantage of it. Lets help everytime we can, and help wihout waiting to receive something. Lets open our eyes and see the suffering of others, we are not the only ones in this world. Help everytime you can, you don't know if sometine you would be passing through a similar situation.

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