Sunday, March 7, 2010

What is going on with people?

Since the year when Calderon became president, I have been wondering, what is going on with people? Why do they complain of the national situation but still vote for mediocre candidates? WHY?
First, I want to write about Sonora. Before the tragedy of ABC, everything was alright; Elías Serrano and Pano Salido were the favorites candidates, all indicated that they would win the election. But then, suddenly a daycare named ABC burned down. People not only in Hermosillo, but also in Mexico were concerned about the babies and how to heal the surviving babies. But then, I am not sure of the stupid guy who came and told that relatives of Eduardo Bours were the daycare's owners, and about IMSS and that it was their fault and bla bla bla. And all people started to chase them until they went to jail. Only a few people still were concerned about the babies and how to send them to a hospital specialized in burns in the United States. Even though it was actually their fault, Elías Serrano, Pano Salido and us did not have to pay for it. People in Sonora started to think that the two candidates were just like them and among other things. But, are they the same just because they belong to the same political party? I don't think so. I still keep thinking if Sonorenses are so spiteful that they prefered to vote for two guy, who actually look like thieves, than to keep their decision, to be strong, to move forward. "But, is that the tragedy of ABC was a crucial factor." Not true at all. The old governor did many good things for Sonora, and he made some mistakes as well. HELLO, HE IS A HUMAN, TOO! But, did he do something when their friends and relatives went to jail? He did nothing. However, I wonder why people didn't think twice before voting. Now, they complain about tandeo and that they barely have water when they need it, but they mainly complain about insecurity and all the crimes that have took place in Sonora in the past months. Where is your wonderful and fabulous Guillermo Padrés Elías? What has he done, besides taking your water away? Has he solved any problem? What about the economic crisis? Does Sonora have enough jobs? Are people staying here, or they prefer moving to the US? I'm not writing about the bald guy who is supposed to be our mayor, because I don't really know what he has done. I think his wife has done more things, but I really dislike her, and I'll explain it: My mom is a teacher in kindergarden that is located in Olivares, before Javier Gandara won the election and the daycare burned down, this "high-class lady" came by and told the principal of the kindergarden where my mom works, that they would build something else there because she pleased. Oh please! Her husband hadn't won the election yet, and she was already planning. I wonder why people complains if they were the ones who made that happen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A very interesting post, with questions that we do need to consider. Thank you.