Monday, March 8, 2010

The cost of abusing

On thursday I was reading the paper and I came across a really intersting column by Leo Zuckermann called "Los costos del abuso". In this column, he talks about how here in México everyone abuses of the easy things. To explain this he gives the example of the canadian visa, he explains how we as mexicans were given the oportunity to live there as refuges, if we needed it. In this system they went in as mexicans and aplied to be in the system, for the time they needed to do research and consider if you really needed "shelter" they supplied them with income, as well as free education and health services. Mexicans started to take advantage of this, and even when they didn't fit the standards to be refugees they stayed there as illegals. The canadian government realized that people were doing this, and now we all have to pay the price and going to Canada is much more difficult.
This hasn't just happened in this case, it happens with everything, and it is why we have to make all those long lines and fill all those papers, because we abuse. He also compares México with the United Kingdom, because he had the experience to be as a student there, and he was surprised when they lent him a lot of money, a friend of his from them told him it was because they trusted him.
I believe that we, as individuals should change our behavior and use the oportunities we are given wisely, and not abusing, because they can take it away from us. Besides, the government is investing more than they should in making this strict regimens, we shouldn't need them to do that, we should be able to take advantage of something without abusing.

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