Monday, March 8, 2010

Migration of mexicans in the United States

The United States contains the mixture of these 2 different cultures, not counting in the cultures already found in the United States. Mexicans are the ones who are mostly involve in t his problem because of the fronteer there exists between Mexico and the United States. This has become too great “chaos” for the country because United States complains that Mexicans have empowered many of their hand manufacturing jobs or works. The reason that many companies hire Mexicans is because they are able to pay them less of what they would pay to a normal U. S. citizen. And this makes the government lose money because they then the government has the responsibility to support all the U.S. citizens that don’t have a job. And socially this also affects the American citizens socially because the country is starting to acquire many of Mexican costumes.

In my opinion the United States should look for other solutions for this problem than just kicking Mexicans out of the country, because besides of everything I belive Mexicans are good and hard workers, that in technically help improve many companies economic status, because it helps them save much of their money. The government shouldn't make so complicated the permissions for job emplyment to inmigrantes, and they should give more freedom for these men.

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