Monday, March 8, 2010

Discrimination to immigrants

We often see how some people are discriminate by others, but one that is common is when a persons criticize other because it have a different culture. It's unethical, but people keep doing that because they believe everything should be equal, and there should not be any changes, so for them, when a person who is different from them starts living in their country, it's a new threat right away.
If we start to think, how much a country will change if for one day, the immigrants didn't work, didn't buy things, and start a protest, imagine how this would affect us. First, immigrants will not help with their works, so many sectors in industries and companies would be left alone, and production would slow. Now talking about trade, if immigrants people of a country stop buying and demanding some products, they wouldn't contribute to raise the economy, so demand would decrease for a day.

But in some countries, immigrant people doesn't have the same rights that others, so they are treated different in certain areas, like work, or other public acts. But we have to know and understand that they want to be a part of our society, but they also want to keep a part f their culture, so we have to respect that, not considering someone less because of their beliefs. We are all human, and we have the same rights. We have to learn how to coexist before little differences tear us apart, in order to live better with others in the same world.

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