Sunday, March 7, 2010

Facebook: Virtual addiction

Facebook is known as a very useful social tool by everyone in the world. A person with internet access will most likely have a facebook account or at least heard about facebook. I'm sure that at least 90% of teens that have an internet connection will have a facebook account. Facebook is used to keep in touch with people far away, or just with your regular friends. There are pictures, status updates, and many other ways to interact throught the internet. Having access to facebook from basically anywhere has made it possible to check our facebook accounts in a regular basis. We become sucked into the virtual world and begin to need our facebook accouts.

When we need to be connected to facebook to be at ease we know that this "social tool" has become an addiction. No addiction or excess is ever good. Checking too much facebook, and being all the time on facebook is very bad as as doing too much of anyhting. When you basically live through facebook you stop living your real life. There are real life cases of people who have become so sucked into facebook that rehabilitation is a must for this kind of people.

Facebook can get to be very useful and may help you keep in touch and stay connected to your loved ones. But there comes a time when you stop doing it out of need to keep in touch and start doing it out of the need to stalk people. Stalking is one of the issues people are afraid of when it comes to the internet, and the fact that facebook provides a great tool for this kind of privacy violation makes it not so safe. That is why we have to be very careful as to what we upload to this type of public web pages. Private information must not be published just like that, you have to upgrade security measures to avoid being checked by people who would want to do bad. You must be very careful when becoming a facebook user and the fact that many of us are means that we are very exposed to these kind of violations.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The BBC made a programme called "Virtual Revolution," one of the eposides of which dealt with internet addiction - and how social networking in particular is impacting on our relationships.

I believe the programme can be found at