Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

My individual Reflection

It is officially titled Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, is a tropical country on the northern coast of South America. It is a continental mainland with numerous islands located off its coastline in the Caribbean Sea. The republic won its independence from Spain in 1821.

It is a relatively big country, its capital is Caracas. Venezuela is known widely for its petroleum industry, the environmental diversity of its territory, and its natural features. Venezuela is considered to be among the world's 18 most biodiverse countries, featuring diverse wildlife in a variety of protected habitats. Venezuela is among the most urbanized countries in Latin America.

In my opinion, I think we are working well, and we have found pretty much everything we are asked for, but maybe we need to go deeper and find out more information concerning their political and social situation. We have found information about what good and bad in their economy, what source scarcity they face, etc

We have seen that Venezuela in a very interesting country, and has a very strong leader that has done things other one could't before, fo example, Hugo Chávez didn't submit to the U.S. abuse by making contracts with them where they would sell oil and very low prices to them, but he opposed and said that Venezuela's oil would be for the benefit of the Venezolanos.

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