Monday, April 12, 2010

Being a tec student.. (i remind you this is JUST an opinion c: )

Hanging out with friends, having time to hang out with your family, having a relaxing week-end, preparing mentally for a basketball match... these are only a few things many people do while being a teenager in the wild world of high school, but not in TEC. Since the first day of school we were thrown a bunch of responsibilities that people in COLLEGE have. I´m in fourth semester, and i am proud of saying that i have survived so far(barely). Having teenage personals problems isn't enough to make you have a break down here, every little situation is viewed as such a BIG deal.
Im talking in general, not in some classes, teachers tend to forget that their class is not the only one we have, and they tend to forget that we also have a social life that doesn't involve books, theories, etc. since you begin the semester the PRESSURE starts, by the end of the semester i bet you that you have lost more than half of the amount of hair you used to have(im deadly serious.). I'm not saying its impossible, but TEC does tend to put drastic tension on us. Week ends aren't that fun anymore, because there will always be something of homework, if someday you think you are "homework-free" you are probably 99.99% wrong. Here there exists 3 kinds of people: the nerds, (not-so-smart-compared-to-nerds) hard working people, and the not so smart people that simply dont care nor appreciate the opportunity they have. Eventually many give up to the extreme pressure, and not everyone survives the journey on TEC.
i am aware that this school is one of the bests, and that everyone in it should be honored to be here, and that its not that they hate us(or want to make us miserable), its just that they want to prepare us REALLY good, but they are forgetting that we are just teenagers and life isn't only about books, classes, etc. its also about enjoying( in a healthy way) being alive. Because eventually when you enter TEC there will be a moment in your life that everything will turn rutinary.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your comments. I'm sure that this wasn't an easy post to write, but all opinions are gratefully received and respected.