Sunday, April 11, 2010

Greenpeace fighting for what is right

Greenpeace is an association that is fighting to help the environment, the want to change people’s behavior to protect and conserve the environment and promote peace. These people sometimes risk their lives to defend for what they believe is right. They have done so many things, they save trees, animals, use only renewable resources they are completely eco-friendly. One of the latest things that they have done is try to stop a ship that was carrying nuclear waste from France to Russia, the people in the boat were throwing water at them and even took some of them into the boat, and tried everything to stop them. Another thing they did was that they climbed up a chimney of a big industry that was producing a lot of smoke, since that was something illegal they had to climb through the outside of the building, risking their live to try and fix it so it wouldn’t contaminate.

Sadly many people working in Greenpeace and volunteers end up in jail because they are defending their beliefs about saving the environment. There was an article of a man who was sent to jail because he wanted to preserve 2.1 million acres of trees in the Amazon. When I read this I could hardly believe it, how is it possible that they arrest a man that is trying to help the environment and contribute to global warming recession. Governments should think like Greenpeace, they should be in favor of protecting the environment not against it and do ecologic things like recycling, but really do it, putting it practice.

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