Monday, April 12, 2010

The Lack of Values Generates Problems

While I was thinking for a topic to make my blog post I was really stressed, because I remembered that I had a lot of home works and assignments for the next day. I tried to find someone to blame, but I realized that all this was my fault, because of my irresponsibility, if I had done all my assignments on the weekend and with anticipation, I wouldn’t be having problems but unfortunately the responsibility is not a very strong value on me. This is a very common situation for us, young people, and I’m sure that I’m not the only one who is suffering this situation.

I don’t understand why humans have to suffer and go through very uncomfortable situations to really understand the importance of being responsible in our actions. The example I mentioned before is not very important or relevant, but I have another example, one that has affected us since 2007, the Economic Crisis. Well you might think that there nothing in common between the irresponsibility of people and the crisis, but we could say that the lack of responsibility in the borrowers is what really caused this situation, these people who asked for a lot of money just to try to get a better life by buying a lot of products didn’t pay their loans on time and all this because of the irresponsible attitude that the people adopted. With this last example we could see the importance of some values, and how a negative behaviour could cause severe problems for ourselves and maybe the whole world. So please be responsible and make your assignments on time that will give you a lot of benefits.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This was a very interesting post to read - thank you for your frankness given to your readers.