Sunday, April 11, 2010

If Music is Free..........

I just read an article that was asking: Si la musica es gratis, qué ganan los artistas?; that specific question caught my attention because is very easy for us say things like: " I am goig to use ARES to download some music" or, "hey!, turn on your Bluetooth, and send me that song" and we actually do it; it's pretty normal for us.

But... have you ever thought about all the people that worked so hard to create a song? have you ever thought about the music engineer, about the song writer, about the sound engineer and, about the artist itself?

Most of the time we are very selfish, we only think about ourselves and all the benefits that we can get, so we always forget to think about others.

The people who worked together on a project to present to an audience deserve remuneration. When they ask for something back, they actually do the right thing; if you never charge any money for your presentation or work, is because you don't appreciate it, and you actually think that is not worth...

There are people who think paying for music is something crazy, but when you pay for it, you are respecting and appreciating the work of an artist that you really like.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I lie the topic of your post - however the question remains - what do we do? How does an artist ensure that he/she is paid sufficiently for their work?