Sunday, April 11, 2010

"European Union Will Pay After All"

Looks like the European Union finally decided to save Greece by offering $40 billion. It looks like the Euro is finally safe, however, many fear that Spain, Portugal and Italy might be next, and it's highle unlikely all can be saved.

Back to Greece, they are quite lucky, since the interest of the saving loan was of only 5%, comparing to the 7.5% of before (and in billions that's A LOT), and if more is needed, the International Monetary Found its prepared to give $20 extra billions at an even a lower interest. Anyway, it isn't all beauty for Greece, since it looks like it will be expelled from the Euro Zone. This is probably why Greece hasn't yet accepted the EU and IMF aid, probably holding hopes in staying in, which is highly unlikely, since avery Euro Zone country seems to be quite "mad" at Greece, specially Germany.

What I wonder is, What would happen if Greece didn't paid? What measures would be taken? War?


Anonymous said...

Where did you get the idea that Greece will be expelled from Economic and Monetary Union? (EMU)

Jose A Domingo said...

I honestly don't know. I was sure I had read it from the New York Times but I just checked the article and there isn't anything about expelling Greece (In fact after some research I found it was almost legally immposible.
I must have thought it and accidentaly assumed I had read it.