Sunday, March 7, 2010

A mature decision. A step to been an adult

One week ago I meet 2 girls from a little invasion here in Hermosillo. The name of one of the girls was Lucia and the other one Estefanía. Lucia has 15 years old and Estefanía is one year older than Lucia, and both are pregnant.
The problem of pregnancy in early young girls or teenager pregnancy is a very common issue all over the world. But I have never met someone that was going through that. A lot of the underage girls decide to abort the baby because they can take the responsibility of a person in their hands. Others decide to give the little baby on adoption and the ones that are a little more mature, decide to keep them and try to give them the best life that they can.
I talked to them and they old me that the baby that they were carrying out was for a bad decision that they took. But they said that they had no regrets because they were going to give birth to a precious person in the world.
Even though their parents aren’t helping them a lot with they pregnancy, both Lucia and Estefanía are helping each other. Lucia is working at an “abarrotes” near her house and Estefanía is working as a housecleaner on downtown.
In a way I feel sad for that girls, they wasted a lot of they fun times on they teenager but in the other hand I respect them and feel proud of them because they decide to keep the babies.


Michelle González said...

Pregnancy in teenger girls is very common my friend. You don't have to visit an invasion in order to find a pregnant teenager. Pregnancy in early age has become a big society problem. Many girls become pregnant and the truth is that they are not fisical nor psychological mature to be a mom. The reason why all this girls are pregnant is that they stupidly thought "it won't happen to me" They were so wrong. Pregnancy in teenagers risks the mother life because their bodies is not prepare to give birth. Pregnancy in teenagers also lead us to abortion.
I admire every girl who decides to make responsable of the consecuences of her acts and decides to have the baby. If you are going to be stupid in off to have sex and get pregnant, the less you can do is to be intelgent off to have the baby. Girls who decide tohave the baby are not only saving a inoscent life, but also taking care of their health.

Anonymous said...

Teenage pregnancy is something that we in the UK also suffer from - in large numbers. The key is education; an understanding of the consequences to one's life of choosing to have a child so young. However, at 18 years of age, we have to respect others' choices even if we don't like them, as these young girls would be perfectly inside the law.