Sunday, March 7, 2010

Alcohol: a problem in our society.

Last night I was driving home, a car, driven by a drunk guy did not stop and almost crash me. Luckily, I stopped and I was able to get out of the problem. But, Why am I talking about this?... I think alcohol nowadays is a big problem in our society. People start drinking when they are like 11 years old and young people fall easier to an addiction, so, when they grow up, they become alcoholics. Specially here in México and in the north part of the country is where alcohol is consumed more and this is because of the hot weather.

In about 3 to 4 weeks, it will start the “cuaresma” time, and at this time, people from about 14 to 22 go to Kino and have “fun” drinking, as they call it. Hopefully this year things will be less dangerous because yesterday a new was published and it was about police trying to be stricter on this, and there will be more protection.

Personally, I think drinking alcohol is not necessary to have fun or as some people say “It is not necessary to have fun but it helps you to have a better time”. I think teenagers must be responsible and accept that they are not allowed to drink and that it is better if they do it that way because doing that save a lot of people from death.



María Fernanda Flores Sánchez said...

I totally agree with you, drinking is a severe problem not only here in Sonora but in the whole country. Why is Mexico known for? For its tequila, right? I think that alcohol is the most unnecesary thing to have fun, besides what business do the underage people have drinking? Even the ones who can drink LEGALLY! Why do people need to abuse of it to have "fun"? I mean, the people around them are the ones that have more fun watching them embarrass themselves saying and doing stupid things. Also, well, we are in crisis! Why not save that money and use it when you really need it? It is just absurd how alcohol is abused everyone especially young people who think they look "cool" getting drunk and making a fool out of themselves in front of all of their friends!

María Fernanda Flores Sánchez said...

I totally agree with you, drinking is a severe problem not only here in Sonora but in the whole country. Why is Mexico known for? For its tequila, right? I think that alcohol is the most unnecesary thing to have fun, besides what business do the underage people have drinking? Even the ones who can drink LEGALLY! Why do people need to abuse of it to have "fun"? I mean, the people around them are the ones that have more fun watching them embarrass themselves saying and doing stupid things. Also, well, we are in crisis! Why not save that money and use it when you really need it? It is just absurd how alcohol is abused everyone especially young people who think they look "cool" getting drunk and making a fool out of themselves in front of all of their friends!