Sunday, March 7, 2010

This law is valid : Marco Adame Castillo

Many people do not really know or remember, but the international Women's day is celebrated the 8th of march. As we approach to the celebration, the governor of Morelos, declared that the Law of Access of Women to a Life Free of Violance is valid in his state. He also declared that every women in the state of morelos is free to have advise and respond to any type of violance suffered in work, home or any other variable. Seeking guidance and support, of any type of violance, could help them overcome obstacles that life has put on their ways.

Moreover, the governor also declared that the objective of this law, is to respect the rights fo womenin the ordinary life of every citizen of the state of morelos. in addition to this, the governor seeks the disminuition of violance against women and persons attempting to degrade or violate the rights of women, and whoever ho do this, will be sent to therapies, conferences, and talks to manage impulses of men, and gender equality.

In my personal opinion, this law should be appplied in every state of Mexico. The manlism culture in Mexico is in a huge development, and I adore this law because maybe men will start to undersand that we are both the same and that we can also do the same things as men do. Being a woman is not easy, and being treated bad or abused, is even harder. Maybe some men take this as the independization of women, but what women really searches for, is the balance and the gender equality.

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