Sunday, March 7, 2010

Economy "Growing"?

Last tuesday our president, Felipe Calderon, was at the inauguration of a golf course at Bahía de Banderas, Nayarit; while giving his speech, he said that our economy will grow 4-5%. In 2009, our country´s economy decreased for 6% because of the world´s economic crisis. He stated that the country is increasing quickly with the international market. He said that a proof of this was that 100 000 new jobs were recovered according to IMSS. Another proof was that our country´s "grade" of risk, was near Chile´s, the least of Latin America, meaning that our economy is one of the bests of Latin America?
Now, I was wondering: is this true? I would not believe it 100%, how will our economy grow if he just approved another raise on the gasoline´s price? Sure, HIS economy will grow! But what about us? We will have to spend MORE money on gasoline. I really don´t know what to think about this, I just think it is somewhat unfair, yes, if the price rises it means there is more supply right? But he thinks everybody can afford gasoline like if it was I don´t know, water? Besides, international organisms said that Mexico´s economy will grow only 1% this year. Shocking isn´t it? When I read this article, I went on and read the comments, 1 out of every 15 comments approximately was "positive" all the other people commented saying that he should quit lying. I know most of us say that we don´t care about economy, but it affects us directly simply with the fact that our parents can´t give us money or we think it is very few compared to what they gave us some years ago. I think that we will not progress if prices keep rising at this rate.. we need to work something out because this crisis is affecting us severly :..


Alejandra Reina said...

I agree with you. i think we should do something about this price rises because besides the crisis this is affecting us even more!.. shouldn't they be decreasing the prices?..i mean there is people that can't even eat because of the crises, they lost their jobs and now they dont get money to buy food to their families. How is government helping?.. rising prices?.. More taxes?..I totally agree with you in the fact that THIS IS NOT HELPING!.. i do think too that this is making our economy even worst. We should all get together and make something about this!.

Sofía Almada said...

I would have to disagree with the fac that raising the price of gasoline will not help, because, from my point of view,If the price rises demand decreases, that means less people would be using their cars. This would eventually lead us to iproving our environment. And other people that could maybe afford the raised price, will realize that buying an hybird would be better for them, because even when th price of the car is higher, you would't have to spend that much i gasoline. And yes 1% isn't much, and coming from an individual it is normal to say it is unfair, because you have to pay more, but at a long shot, I believe is for the best. Besides, at least it isn't deacresing more.