Monday, March 8, 2010

Ecuador Team Work...

Ecuador is a small country in Latin America. Its former president its Rafael Correa and its vice-president is Lenin Moreno. The economy is principally based in the production of bananas and its main social issue is the inequality and the racism against poor people. But my blog isn’t about Ecuador but of my team.

I personately think we worked good and on time, although I have to admit that at the beginning I thought that we were really behind from the rest of the countries because we had just made research like 2 or 3 times before these weekend; Thanks to god I realized today that we weren’t behind in any single way cause we had finish with our 1st advance since Friday and many teams today hadn’t complete their worked or they made research in their countries for the first time this weekend. Maybe the reason that we were able to finish everything last week was that I had constantly been pushing Manuel and Abigail to research about Ecuador. It wasn’t easy to find updated information cause every time we wanted to use that information we realized that it was from 2002 or 2005 and I didn’t think that information before 2009 could be considered recent.

The good thing about me been w

ay to strict or pushy, how ever you want to call it, with my team was that we didn’t have a stressful weekend and that I think that Manuel is more than ready for Azmun cause on Friday I made him read the Plan de Desarollo Politico y Economico del 2010 for Ecuador, so by now he should be able to tell you the alliances, the main issues and how is the government planning to solve them. Maybe if I hadn’t been like a mom after my kids with the research right know we wouldn’t have finished anything.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is the first post that I have seen related to final projects. I like the idea that you are keeping Oscar Manuel in check! Keep up the good work!