Thursday, April 8, 2010

Violence in México: A problem for the US

As violence inscreased on Mexico, fear increased for the United States. A proof of this fear is that the Arizona governor, Jan Brewer, sent a letter to the White House asking for more federal resources at the border to stop human trafficking, drug trafficking and weapons. In this letter, Brewer pointed out the roads and uninhabited places in Arizona that have become the main steps or roads for illegal immigration, drug and arms trafficking.

When Barack Obama read the letter, 250 National Guard troops were sent to the task of Force Joint Counter Narco-Terrorism. But the force, actually only has 150 soldiers and military pilots of the National Guard, so they are still waiting for the troops to come so they can star working on it.

Pernsoally i think Mexico should be doing something about it too, because the violence is coming from our country i think our national forces are not strict enough or the thing is that they are very corrupt. Felipe Calderón must start working harder on this, but not only him but everyone to make this country less corrupt and more peaceful! .. I know Hillary Clinton came to Mexico to talk about it, and this things must not be forgoten, we should start working on it!.

1 comment:

María Fernanda Flores Sánchez said...

well , first of all , i completely agree with you that Mexico should do something about this violence problem in the country, first of all because it is OUR country , i mean, shouldnt WE be working on something to solve it instead of the US putting more soldiers on the border? I also think that Felipe Calderon should be working on it with A LOT more effort!
Each day violence is getting more power of the country, now we see that reaction on our northern border: the USA. And it is getting worse everyday! The shootings are going on at mid day , under the sun light , yeah, why wait for the night if the authorities are not doing ANYTHING about it? People who have nothing to do with this things are dying, a clear example: the students from our school´s campus at Monterrey! All of us have to start helping out with this problem because this narco-terrorists are ending with the peace of our country ..