Saturday, April 10, 2010

May I Have a Chimpanzee Finger, Please?

Nestlé is a company that has a very high reputation in almost every country where its products are sold. At least that was what I used to think until we saw in our French class a video that showed what Nestlé did with the Indonesian forests. In order to produce Kit Kat chocolates, Nestlé needs palm oil. They need to plant multiple acres of these palms to have enough oil to make those Kit Kats. What Nestlé did, was deforesting the woods from Indonesia where chimpanzees live and plat their millions of palms.

As expected, Greenpeace reacted in a defensive manner. They created a video clip that was a plagiarism of the Kit Kat commercial in which they highlighted what Nestlé was doing. The video consist of a guy opening a Kit Kat wrapper and taking out a piece of chocolate that was actually the finger of a chimpanzee. When the guy eats it, blood starts to come out of the finger and then, it is all over the place. Disgusting, I know. Even though the video was a little shocking, it was truthful.

The reaction of Nestlé was as expected; they didn’t like it at all. Their image of a social compromised company was damaged. After all the trouble they were put into, they decided to start using a substitute of the palm oil for an artificial one.

Does the end justify the means? In this case, it’s clearly that satisfying our whishes (eating chocolate) does not worth to kill the environment of a very important being for the world, such as the chimpanzee. It is really hard for me to understand how big companies like Nestlé don’t measure the consequences of their actions, and they just act selfishly.

Francis Bacon, an English philosopher of the Renaissance, once said: “Nature, to be controlled, must be obeyed”. I should think more often about it…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your quote is very relevant because if you consider it in the light of recent events in Iceland and their effects on other countries, the continued truth of these words becomes starkingly clear.

You like your quotes at the end of posts, don't you?