Monday, April 5, 2010

The Internet Revolution

This news report had caught my attention because it's new topic that I would like to talk about. As time goes by, technology had evolved to become part of our daily private lives. We should consider that this is a new type of "revolution" that will change how we interact in the world completely, including some aspects of our government. I'm talking about the impact of the Internet of course. We can't live an hour without it, we are much attached to it. Some people feel like an "addiction" to the internet by pages like Facebook, Twitter, etc. A friend told me they are even some groups to leave the addiction, something like Alcoholics Anonymous. Leaving the personal effect on us aside, the Internet not only affects how we as humans communicate and "stay in touch" but also, some experts says it will affect whole industries, even the government. We have seen this type of issues before with the Internet. I remember we discuss in class about how the freedom of speech is being violated by governments like China by banning the site of Google and YouTube. They are forgetting the main ideas of great thinkers who fought to defend their beliefs, and now we are taking steps back. I know that China is kind of a mixed country that is moving with big steps in the economic area but is decreasing in the political area. According to the article, the internet revolution will be very slow but painful. This means that industries will reborn from their ashes to adapt to the new challenging world. The government can take advantage of this tool in a positive or negative way. The positive way is that the people will be more informed on what's going around them to have a better judgment and make right decisions. It can also be a place where online cooperation is held and the people's opinion is heard well. Of course, everything has a positive and a negative side. The article says that some people think that this tool in the wrong hands can be a dangerous tracker of persons. With all that is going on, people uploading photos and personal information, this can also affect us. The Internet will change the world undoubtedly, but is up to us what we share and what we don't. This tool can be very useful to us if we want to, we just need to be careful and don't just go with the flow that every site is safe. It has already started, so adapting is the solution to it.

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