Sunday, April 4, 2010

CEPAL predicted that Mexico will be one of the most afected countries beacuse of the crisis.

Since the beggining ot the crisis our Mexican president told us that this crisis will barley affect us Mexicans. Even today beggining of 2010 Mexico is still suffering the conosequences of the crisis. It is known that te economic crisis(2008-2009) is the worst recession that Mexico have faced in the last 70 years! But I do not understand how our Mexican government let things go this way, what I mean by saying this way is that Mexico is facing a lot of problems that are related to economy which is unemployment and extreme poverty. But how do all this problems started? It is known that Mexico is one of the countries with the highest dependence in commerce with the United States. This why Mexico immediatley started feeling changes in its economy. The changes Mexico was experiencing where affecting in a dominal way all sector of economy in the Mexican economy. But what happen when you are noticing that you are not selling tomatoes, or maybe you are not selling textiles; normally you stop producing it in high quantities. A smaller production needs less workes, so this is how unemployment started appearing. Mexico have a weak economy that is why we had so many problems. Also I think that the problem with petroleum have a lot to do with economy. Since all this problems started comming out Mexico searched for new alternatives like increase taxtation, and created new taxes. But how do this help us? I think this does not help us at all it makes us a burocratic country. Our government is making a fool of us by trying to bill us for his problems and his sense of not being worried when the crisis started by saying anything is going to happen to our country because of the crisis. But know I will go all the way to his place and ask him Mr. President what will you do if you where the one with no job or with no money?
Also Mexico had great opportunity of job in its touristic areas, but what happend it also came down beacuse of all thing thing of the crisis! So what is opur government or our president doing! He should be trying to help his country instead of trying to capture people that they know they are not able to capture(drug dealers) because even they are more prepared than our governent and that is somenthing they should shame on it. Even before our government lie to us saying us that the United States crisis will not affect us, CEPAL have already wrote that Mexico will be the country most affected with the crisis.

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