Thursday, April 8, 2010

Who writes history?

I think this is an important question. We have had history class in school since y know. Teacher tell us to buy a book which we are going to read during the year or semester in class. Even tough we don't really know anything about its author and its content, we believe their stories are true. I bet most of all haven't stop to think if what they are teaching us is really the true story. I once had this teacher who told us that history is written by those who win. I really believe his theory. I think it depends on whether the country who wrote it, won or lose a battle which the book is talking about. I think history deforms through time, people sometimes starts adding things to the story, for diferrent purposes, it may be to hide something or to make something better. So I think that from now on everytime we read or teach us something in class we stop to think and analyze that information. We must not believe everything they tell us.

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