Saturday, April 10, 2010


It is proved that after a relationship break up, a persons' self-concept is affected. Self-concept is the way I see myself, and it is really connected with self-esteem, both are or might be affected after a break up. Since we are not here to find ourselves, but to create ourselves, we sometimes underestimate our abilities to carry on in life. Some people who are close-minded, get stuck on a feeling or an idea, and don't really get to continue living a normal life, yet, for example, they can't get over the person they just broke up with, or they feel less than others. Valueing yourself is the best way to carry on with your life after a break up, because if you don't have a high self-esteem or a positive self-concept, life will be much harder than it already is. We need to understand that every relationship is an experience that will prepare ourselves for marriage, and how are we are going to deal with it. Of course you are going to be sad about a break up, but what will you get if you just sit there and cry about it? Carry on not worrying about girls/boys and the need of a girlfriend/boyfriend, life is a perfect plan and they will come to you just stop searching. Stop searching for a boyfriend/girlfriend, don't every worry if you don't have one, and don't ever feel the necessity to have one, just have fun instead, paty and take formal responsabilities, you have better things to worry about! Live your life, continue having fun and never get stuck on an idea that you know will not help you carry on. In life there will be alot of people who love you, hate you, nice people, mean people, players and serious boys/girls that will value you and will treat you they way you are deserved to. Just be yourselve all the time, be prepare for the worst but always expect the best out of things including relationships. Take experiences as lessons, lessons that will help you not make the same mistakes over and over again and will improve you to be a better person everyday. Be who you are and don't worry about what other people say, IT'S BETTER TO BE ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS THAN ABSOLUTELY BORING!

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