Saturday, April 10, 2010

Lack of Coherence

This post is not to express if I agree or not with gay marriage, it’s more to give my opinion of what I’ve heard of it. Even we live in the XXI century, in a society which demands for freedom of expression and for respect, we don’t agree with it. It’s kind of incoherent. I’ve heard things like “I don’t have anything against gays, but they can’t get married, it’s just wrong”; “they can get married, but they can’t adopt kids, they will suffer a lot”; “I hate gays, they shouldn’t exist. I admit it, I’m homophobic”; “gays can get married, but they shouldn’t get out together to public places. It is just disgusting”.

Most of what I’ve heard doesn’t make a lot of sense. People demand for some things, and when they actually get them, they get upset because it didn’t worked exactly how they wanted to.

The gay marriage is something really new for a lot of us. It can be hard to assimilate but we need to be coherent with what we say. Sometimes it’s just better not to give our opinion about something because later on, we can regret. As long as we don’t affected by the gay marriage, we have no right to discriminate or to make gays feel bad about it.

This is a very controversial topic, but we need to focus on more important things that are damaging society.

"Why is it that, as a culture, we are more comfortable seeing two men holding guns than holding hands?" Ernest Gaines

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A very powerful quote that I think sums up the post nicely.