Sunday, April 4, 2010

Coalition PAN-PRD in Sinaloa with a candidate Príista!

"Senator of PRI"- Mario Lopez Valdez will fight the government of Sinaloa with PAN-PRD.

This summer we will have elections in different states of Mexico. One of them is Sinaloa. In it there are 2 main strong parties: PRI and then PAN. But due to the power of PRI and its contender, PAN has made an alliance with PRD; which is almost to be official. The thing here to talk about is how PAN can join PRD, when this two parties are extremely different. PAN is from he right thoughts and PRD is a left (izquierdista). May be we all think it is for a good for the people, to help; to solve problems; etc... But the real thing is that it is not.

Why? Because this alliance is just made to gain the political position and the power. How can I know that? Because Mario Lopez Valdez was 2 weeks ago, a Senator of PRI; which because in his party they didn't let him be the contender that represents PRI, he is with a whim of being. So he went to PAN, first; and then PAN join PRD. What they are doing it's not illegal or breaks a formal rule of the competition, but instead; they are breaking many PRINCIPLES, values, and ideals-in this case "MALOVA"(senator) is breaking the ones of PRI. Because when you enter a party is because you agree and you will respect those principles. You support them...
Well, MALOVA change of party, just for being the contender for the Election. If he was doing this without breaking the principles and violating his party, all will be okay. But because he wasn't the candidate of PRI, by "x" reason... he change with the party that is different in ideals and in principles, and not even that; they made an alliance with PRD.

What all these that is happening in Sinaloa, let me to think is... our candidates, our politicians-as MALOVA for example- are they searching and fighting to represent us and to help the society? or they just want to be voted in order to get power, money and the position? What MALOVA and other politicians are making know, with this unexpected alliances and changes of parties, is sad in somehow; and also make me reflect... if MALOVA really want to be a GOVERNOR or just a man with power?!

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