Sunday, April 4, 2010

One, or all?

Now a days, the Catholic Church is suffering a crisis. Several events have shocked many catholics and have made them to question about their religion. One of the main events that is still sorprising, is that some priests have rapped kids or have had kids with women. How could they dare to to that?

Mexico is one of the main followers in catholicism, and that is why this have shocked us the most. But, we mexicans have to uderstand that not just because one priest have done such thing, the other ones are going to behave the same. Moreover, we also have to notice that catholicism is beyond from the catholic church, because the catholic church is made up by humans and humans, always makes mistakes.

In this two holy weeks, we catholics have to approach to God and to leave behind all that events that have marked the catholic church. However, we don't have to leave by this things and we also have to uderstand that our mexican society is having a lot of changes in the aspect of sexual preference and necesities.

In my personal opinion, I am relaxed from this events because I knew that this was going to happen someday. This priests rappes and kids from women are normal because priests are men and they can't control sometimes their instincts. However, they know their consecuences and also they know what could happen if they do such things. As a reminder, all humans do mistakes. This, does not only happen in our religion, it also happens in the other worldwide religions.

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