Tuesday, April 6, 2010

What a shame

Today March 6 of 2010, in our institution, a contest of debate realized by the consejo electoral ( IFE) was made. In this contest, many students from our institution signed up to develop new skills or just to reinforce the ones had. Many topics were asigned ( all of them talked about Mexico) and there were students in favor and in against of x theme.

I was really surprised because I watched many students from school that didn't have the profile or the interest in such thing. However, it is good to discover new perspectives from people. I was in the contest, but I really freaked out with my oponent. Anyway, what I am going to write, has nothing to do with me, it has to be about the winner of contest.

I have to speak out about what I think. I think that Paulina Canizales did a GREAT job in the contest, she was well prepared, had good argumentations, gave a good question to David ( his oponent) and in other words, she did a great job. Everybody in the audience could feel and see that she had the control in her debate, and moreover, we also felt that she was going to be minimum in the first three winning positions of the contest.

Our huge surprise was that, in the end, Arturo, Fernando and the other guy ( I really don`t remember his name probably Marcos) were the winners. AND PAULINA? let me ask again ... and paulina? why she didn´t won if she was one of the best of the contest! honestly, in my opinion, the winner of 1 and 2 place, had no courage or feeling as she projected in her debate, and what I realized then, was that the 3 winners were only men.

After this, I got another super surprise. The director or the man incharged for supervising the contest, came up to Paulina, and he told her " I really was surprised that you didn't won, if I could so, I would definetley put you in first place, you were EXCELLENT and ASTONISHING for the courage, and domination of your topic".

That comment, made me so angry about the selection of the winners. I really am very disappointed and sad about this event. I really don´t think that Marcos or Arturo deserved better the winning place than Paulina, ( leaving behind the money price) because she was so amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think that there was no equity in the contest. I really don´t know, but what I can say, is that we humans still have tied up women as someone that could not express theirselves or with the simply way of being better in things than men, In my personal opinion, this have still provoke shock or discomfort in society.

in other words ... I AM NOT HAPPY WITH THE WINNERS!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your personal reflections on this event. I hope we are able to be a part of many others in the future.