Saturday, April 10, 2010

Register your cellphone!

That's what the government's been telling the Mexican people from a couple of months; we all should register them before April the 10th or else our line will be suspended.

The Mexican government, nowadays, has been facing a lot of problems like corruption, narcotraffic, illegal transactions, etc. and because of this, it has told us we should all register our cellphones. This way, the Mexican government would have a better control of the things going around the country and would be able to know whenever someone does something he/she shouldn't be doing.

We may think that this is a good initiative because we would feel more secure in case someone tries to take advantage of us through the use of the cellphone; however, among the Mexican people, it has been seen that this law is not taken as a positive initative, but as a negative one. People say that the Mexican government, instead of investigating whenever there's someone using the cellphone for illegal purposes, they will listen and know what people think about the current government and not protect them, but take advantage using this technology.

Benjamin Franklin once said: "Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." This phrase makes me think about what the real intentions of the Mexican government are and if they are really willing to take something good from all of this or it's just another way of entering and knowing about Mexican's life. If they are really doing this because of security purposes, then, the Mexican people wouldn't complain and wouldn't feel they are giving up liberty (Just like Benjamin Franklin said) because they know that the government would be doing its job.

I don't wanna believe or make people believe that the government does this because of negative and convenient purposes, but I can't deny the fact that the Mexican government has always tried to be really oppresive about people's thoughts. I hope their purposes have changed and I hope they know what they are doing, because if not, Mexican people would, again, lose confidence in the government. In case that happened, it may be possible, like Franklin said, that they would complain about this law and demand they want their freedom back because they would feel they are not winning, but losing both liberty and security.

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